
John is the second to the last child born into our Moore family. He has such a big heart, is so sweet, and he loves to dance. John is now officially over 6 feet tall and is the tallest one in our family.

Feel free to read the following story and poem I wrote for John, when he was little, or scroll down "Moore" to see John's most recent posts. 
You can also feel free to check out my other stories I have written for my other kids on their pages located on the top tabs of this blog page.

 The following story I wrote for John, when he had been learning sign language to communicate with us because he had been born with tons of hearing problems. In fact, they originally told me that they thought he was deaf. Thank goodness for a few surgeries, and John can now hear. However, the hearing loss from earlier put him behind in school, learning, and social skills. When John was two years old, he couldn't even say the words "no" or "mom". It was really frustrating because it was hard to communicate with him because he couldn't hear us. I later learned that he was really good at reading lips because I had a doctor who tested him and said he could hear. So, I told him to cover his mouth and then give John directions. When the doctor did this, John could not follow the directions, like he did before when he was reading lips. This is when my husband and I learned some basic sign language in order to communicate with John. I remember signing to John once and telling him in sign language to put away his toys. John looked right at me and signed the word, "no". Normally I would have been upset for being told no from my kid, but I was excited that he had finally communicated with me.

My Son John
written by me, Carol Louise

Oh little John so special and sweet,
Who makes my life feel so complete.
Oh John, sweet John, try to be good
Like I know my little, little boy could.
My sweet little John with his great big smile
Seemed to always want to go the extra mile
With his eyes so big and watching all around
Wanting to learn and understand the sound
For you see my son John could barely hear
I could hardly understand the words he’d say, I fear
So sign language is what I learned for John
Signing please, want more, thank you mom
Where is dad, love baby, want more food
Signing hot, cold, bath, and cool dude
What about all of the animals too
Like tiger, bear, fox, and kangaroo

Now there is more I would like to say
About what my little boy does each day
Why as soon as I walked into the living room
He runs and hides into his bedroom
This is where I found him hiding in his bed
And there was flour all over his head
Then I looked down on the floor
And there was a whole lot more
Now as I looked around
You would never guess what I found
My favorite cookbook by my feet
And his favorite recipe he likes to eat
Why he was just trying to make a treat
Oh bless his little soul
How could I get mad at a child so whole?
And he would look at me with his big doe eyes
And pouty lips, and sad disguise
Then take his hand and form an “S”
And sign “sorry” upon his chest
Then feelings of love would swell within
As I took him in my arms and signed “okay”
Hoping nothing else happened today
Oh little John so special and sweet
Who makes my life feel so complete
Oh John, sweet John, try to be good
Like I know my little, little boy could

Then I noticed that he was gone
It was way too quiet, something was wrong
That is when I found him by the sink
He was on a chair trying to pour a drink
With Kool-Aid all over the place
And Kool-Aid all over his face
Now what am I supposed to think
He was only trying to pour a drink?
And he would look at me with his big doe eyes
And pouty lips, and sad disguise
Then take his hand and form an “S”
And sign “sorry’ upon his chest
Then feelings of love would swell within
As I took him in my arms and signed “okay”
Hoping nothing else would happen today
I hoped you learned something about my little boy
And why he brings us so much joy
Now, if you ever meet my son John
And you might think something is wrong
But if you look at him and sign “want to play”
Then you would have just made his day
For he is just like you or I
Just a bit more special than meets the eye
Oh little John so special and sweet
Who makes my life feel so complete
Oh John, sweet John, I hope you are understood
And that everybody knows you are really good
To my son John,
Love, Mom
The following poem I wrote for John, after I was told that my son was deaf. It was the thought that he could not hear the things that I can, that inspired me to write the following:

Reality of Innocense
written by me, Carol Louise
copyright 2001
I guess I should dress all in black
At the sorrow that I do feel
For the loss of a dream that I lack
And the thought that it should be real
Oh what grief I do mourn
Yet should it be
Tis not right to scorn
At least he could see
The birds in the sky
The elk and the deer
Yet should I cry
If he can=t hear
The warning hiss of a snake
The light teardrops of rain
The fish that splash in the lake
The sound of his own name
I had no control
Of what I'd been given
A dear sweet soul
Sent to me from heaven

April 2015,
John was invited to a special awards ceremony, where John got recognized for being an outstanding Fruitland Grizzly Bear Mascot this last year and Sabrina for cheerleading.
Now to get a picture of John in the actual 30 year old bear costume.

March 2015

John's current profile picture. You're too adorable, John Moore. I need to post a picture of John as the bear mascot and the video of him dancing in the bear costume. He did an outstanding job and everybody loved him.

August 2014

This is who John Likes

July 31st, 2014
John at band camp.

September 2013

October 2010


2004 Washington Vacation

Cub Scouts

Our little cowboy

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