Tuesday, October 10, 2017

MOORE update by Carol Louise Moore the one you should adore. Just kidding

Okay, looks like I need to update pictures. A lot of the pictures I have downloaded have disappeared. I need to figure out what I am doing wrong, so that they don't keep disappearing.
Meanwhile, I am behind with staying updated with the kids and family because I am working full-time teaching music and then putting 32 hours a week on the weekend at Witco. I am supposedly running a soap business cmooresoap.com that I really haven't been doing. I just fill occasional orders as I get them, but I am not really trying to promote or sell my soaps and crafts because...
2 other jobs that total 72 hours a week
and then finding time to catch up on laundry and dishes at home because I am the only one that does that too.
So, now to find MOORE time to figure out what happened to the pictures on this blog and download them again. I have too many unfinished projects to do and when I have the time, I don't want to do them because I feel burned out. LOL. Then again, with God, nothing is impossible. I will just pray and ask for extra strength to follow through with the things I need to do and then want to do.
Meanwhile, I have to start working on studying to take the teacher's test in Idaho and finish up my last two classes to get my official teaching certificate.
It's no wonder I feel overloaded and burned out.

Sincerely, me
Carol Louise
with the last name of Moore
the one you should adore
Just kidding

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