Sarah Louise

Sarah Louise  is the third child in the Moore family.
There is a girl who is so polite
Her name is Sarah Louise
And because she wanted to “Choose The Right”
She learned to say the word “PLEASE”
You can find the rest of this story and another I wrote for Sarah somewhere on this page. Lol

To look at Sarah's Mission posts and pictures, just scroll down a little MOORE.

May 5th, 2017

Boy how time flies. I have gotten behind with keeping up with posting about my family. I also just looked at Sarah's posts and found out that most of the pictures from her mission are not showing up. I'm not sure what happened and why. Good thing I saved them all in a computer file for her. It is also a good thing that her Aunt Susan printed off this blog to give her as a special memory book about her mission. Now I can look at the book and know where to put the missing pictures. Now to just update on what Sarah has been doing.
Sincerely, the mom, Carol Louise with the last name of Moore.

May 2nd, 2017

Hey, California friends!!! I know it's already been 2 years(trust me, I wish I could've come sooner) but I will be heading down that way on the weekend of May 19th.  Message me if you would like to meet up.. I have missed you all so much!

March 2016

Love this new video:

February 2017

"Went to my sister Sabrina's cheer competition" with my sister Sharon brother John who is the school mascot for them. 
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

                                                                                Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing

February 17th, 2017
Had to share this positive post.
Image may contain: ocean and text

February 16th, 2017
I have been living in Rexburg, Idaho and taking classes BYUI.
 The following is a picture of 
"When you work with someone on your mission". 
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup and indoor

February 16th, 2017
Don't know about you, but I needed to hear the following:
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January 17th, 2017
My whole childhood was the creek and the trampoline. .. and just playing outside in general
Image may contain: one or more people, meme, text and outdoor

January 15th, 2017
I am back again at BYUI in Rexburg, Idaho.
New Year, new roomates. 
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

February 3rd, 2016
Dubbed favorite post for 2016 by the mom. LOL

"Life is perfect for none of us, and at times the challenges and difficulties we face may become overwhelming, causing our light to dim. However, with help from our Heavenly Father, coupled with support from others, we can regain that light which will illuminate our own path once again and provide the light others may need" 

President Thomas S. Monson

May 2016

 Sarah and MOMMA MOORE. Sarah specifically came home for the weekend to visit her Momma for Mother's Day. I can't wait for Summer Break. She is still taking classes at BYUI and is doing really well in all her studies.

February 13th, 2016
Valentine's dance tonight. Even though I didn't have a date .... I still wanted to get ready, lol

January 21st, 2016
Every now and again you need a silly picture!... or maybe this is me trying to look attractive, haha

January 13th, 2016

Sarah is officially attending BYUI and was already given 4 tests to take in her first week. LOL

This is Sarah unpacking in her new dorm room. Her roomate served a mission in Brazil. Sarah said the room is quite small. I'll have to get her to share Moore pictures of where she is staying.
Now that I've got everything unloaded from my car it's time to unpack what I packed just two days ago, lol....the struggle is real

December 30th, 2016
Had to share the following post:
Image may contain: one or more people, eyeglasses and text

Feel free to read the following two stories I wrote for Sarah Louise, when she was little, 
or scroll down "Moore" to see Sarah's recent posts and the posts from when she went on her mission.
You can also feel free to check out my other stories I have written for my other kids on their pages located on the top tabs of this blog page.

Sarah Louise
written by me, Carol Louise
copyright 2004

There is a girl who is so polite
Her name is Sarah Louise
And because she wanted to “Choose The Right”
She learned to say the word “PLEASE”
“Pleased to meet you, long time no see.”
“Please won’t you come meet my family.”
“Please meet my sisters and little brother.”
“Please meet my father and my mother.”
“Please may I go out and play?”
“I’m pleased to see such a lovely day.”
But did you know there actually was a time
That sweet Sarah Louise
Felt it was a most frightful crime
To even say the word “Please”
Not to you nor me
Or her own family
There was just no way
That word she would say

Instead she would make these rude demands
That sounded more like military commands
“Give me this.”
“Give me that.”
“Now give me a kiss.”
“And get my hat.”
“Hand me that sweater.”
“Pass over that drink.”
Saying “Please” would be better.
What do you think?
Well, this is when people would start to run
Whenever they would see Sarah Louise
For she was no longer any fun
Because she would never say the word “Please”
Not to you nor me
Or her own family
There was just no way
That word she would say

Until one uneventful day
She realized that no one would even play
With a child that wouldn’t say “Please.”
Yes, a child named Sarah Louise.
And ever since that day
She learned to be more polite
Because she wanted others to play
With her, and wanted to “Choose The Right”
Now it would seem to me
That Sarah Louise,
Knew just what to do.
When she learned to use “PLEASE”
With everyone she knew.
“Please would you open the door?”
And “please will you give me more
Of that there milk in the jug?”
“Now please may I have a hug?”
So, do you think Sarah Louise
Is ever so polite?
And all because she learned to say “Please”
And wanted to Choose The Right

Christmas Prayer with Sarah Louise
written by me, Carol Louise
copyright 2004

Well, do you remember Sarah Louise?
And how she learned to use the word please
By being just a little more polite
When she learned to Choose The Right
Why she would get down on her knees
Just to say the word”please”
To “Our Almighty God” up above
Please watch over my family
And give them my love
To keep them happy
Please help me understand
Why I have chores to do
Please help me understand
My little brother too?
And help me try not too get mad
When he is mean to me
But to just be glad
I have a family
Now with Christmas coming close at hand
Please help the world to understand
That the “Christ” in Christmas
Is what we should remember
And the story of Christ’s birth
In this month of December
Please help everyone to feel the Christmas spirit
Please Lord; help them all to hear it
And help that little boy down the street
That he might have some food to eat
And to the family that lost their dad
Please help them Lord, not to be sad
And to the people who are oh so ill
Please give them strength and the will
To feel your eternal love
And know there is a God above
That to give is to receive
And to love is to believe
That to truly give and serve one another
Is to truly say we “love one another”
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen                
P.S. Thank you for listening to me
Sarah Louise 

Found these pictures of Sarah and her Grandma Moore. How sweet.

Found some selfies that Sarah took, when she was in High School. My guess is these were taken in 2011 or 2012 when she graduated from High School. I just had to share her outgoing fun-loving personality that she has always had, and it definitely shows in these selfies she took. I sure love my Sarah Louise.

Here Sarah is being one of those girls that dance around with a flag while the band plays. Oh yeah, it's called the color guard. She only did this for a year after she learned to play the trumpet just to be in the band in order to go to Disneyland with them. I was impressed that she picked up the trumpet as quick as she did. She decided that she'd rather focus on running in track and basketball, then worry about being in band. I'll have to have her probably rewrite this whole story because I'm sure I'm not remembering everything right. Either way, I'm proud of her because she does good and excels at whatever she puts her heart into. Just like her momma. Just saying...

Sarah at the coast on our 2004 Washington vacation

Sarah in the 3rd Grade.

Here Sarah is in Kindergarten standing in front of the first "DARE" car that her dad drove, when he first became a "DARE" officer and took over "DARE" for fallen Officer Wade Feldner, who was shot and killed in the line of duty.Officer Wade Feldner was the "DARE" Officer for New Plymouth at the time of his death. After his death, my husband, Kay Moore, was asked to take over the "DARE" program for the whole of Payette County and not just New Plymouth.


Sarah playing 'peek-a-boo'. Isn't she adorable?

 The following is the last day of Sarah's church mission experience, and it scrolls down to the beginning.
April 26th, 2015
Aunt Susan Moore printed off the whole blog of Sarah's mission into a book format in a nice binder as a special homecoming gift to Sarah and gave it to her after her special homecoming talk in church today. We sang a special musical medley about the Savior together as a family for the musical number during church. Sister Debbie Ashton played the piano for us and was able to transition beautifully between each song, thanks to her great musical expertise on the piano due to her many years of practice and dedication. The medley started off with the first and last verse of  "I Know My Redeemer Lives". Then a nice transition was made into the song "I Need Thee Every Hour" with John starting off with a solo, then Dad joined in, and the rest of us joined in on the chorus. Finally another transition was done into the song "I Stand All Amazed" with Sarah starting off accapella, then Sharon joining in on the harmony with the rest of the family and piano coming in on the chorus. The grand finale was Sarah and Sharon ending accapella with some final end notes on the piano. It was absolutely beautiful. I would love to record us singing it, or at least record Sarah and Sharon singing, "I Stand All Amazed" accappella.

The mission office address where Sarah served her mission was:                        
23504 Lyons Ave. Ste. 107
Santa Clarita , CA. 91321

 April 23rd, 2015
I will have to post some "MOORE" pictures of Sarah with family and friends on Sunday the 26th, when she gives her homecoming talk.

 April 22nd, 2015
 Yeah! My daughter,Sarah​Moore, is officially home from having served a full 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm so excited to have her home again. Sarah will be giving her homecoming mission talk at the Fruitland LDS church at 9 a.m. this Sunday April 26th.

  All the family in the area went down to the Boise, Idaho airport terminal to pick Sarah up at 12:30 in the afternoon. It was quite the homecoming welcome. There was some well thought out homemade posters from some of the family members and a great big surprise welcoming.

 April 20th, 2015

 Well, the week flew by! It was filled with zone conference, service, weekly planning, departing temple trip, teaching appointments and my departing interview with my mission president was the time is shortly approaching that I will be home! It's still hard for me to believe that it's been 18 months still....It will probably sink in soon. I react to things usually after they happen though,lol. At the beginning of my mission my understanding/ knowledge of the scriptures was slim to none. I was blessed to be taught the scriptures my whole life, but I still didn't really understand the importance of me having my own testimony of the scriptures and finding out the truth for myself. I knew about lehi and his family and that's probably about it! I believed that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, but I didn't know! At the beginning of my mission is when I most realized this... Until that point I hadn't had a desire really to know, but now I did....I didn't want to be telling people something I didn't know! Otherwise I was just wasting their time and mine. Here is the answer key to my testimony....I searched, ponder, prayed, and acted in faith! Search for the truth, "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you",'s so important to be still and listen, pray....specific prayers, get specific answers (yes, no, not yet), "Faith without works is dead" This was an important step through it all... Start with a fresh view, clean slate...There's no point in praying to know the truth, when in the back of your mind, you are set on the answer being NO. Have the faith to accept whatever the answer is, and to act on it! I know that Our Father in Heaven is a loving father, I've felt of His love for me and for His children. I know that Christ is the Son of God, and my redeemer....I know that He lives! I know that it was through Joseph Smith that the the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored in it's fullness! and I know that the Book of Mormon is a witness of God's love and divinity and is another testament of Jesus Christ!!! I don't know what the future has in store for me, but I know that I'm grateful for my path so far! Love you all! and again thank you for your love and support that you've shown and the examples that you've been! God Be with you till we meet again!


Sister Moore
April 13th, 2015
It feels weird and surreal to me.... and I'm definitely feeling that bitter sweet feeling that I've heard of but didn't really understand till now....  I am trying to make plans and goals for myself for when I go home so that I make sure that I stay busy. I read a really good talk in this months ensign that is called "Go forth in faith" by Anthony D. Perkins, he references nephi saying," Put yourself in Nephi’s sandals. Your father tells you the Lord has commanded your family to leave your wealth and depart for the wilderness. Wouldn’t you like to know about your journey and destination?
I suppose Nephi would have been thrilled had the Lord clearly revealed his future. But that is not how God worked with Nephi, and it is not how He will work with you.
As Nephi’s family traveled through the wilderness, instructions came to him only “from time to time” (1 Nephi 16:2918:1). Viewing his life’s journey with certainty up front would not have provided him the soul-stretching and faith-forming experiences that helped him become a more Christlike man.                                                                                         He continues to advice to pray, read the scriptures, go to the temple...All of which I will plan on doing and I may not know exactly what lies ahead in my path when I return home but I know that the instructions will come to me from time to time and that it will happen in the timing and in the way that God sees fit! :) Thank you all for your love and support these past 18 months!  It's meant a lot and made all the difference! 
Sister Moore
April 6th, 2015

What did you think of General Conference??! I loved it a lot! I liked Elder Nielson's made me think of the parable of the prodigal son, sooo differently! Watch, pray, and love! Also, Elder Holland's talk about the brothers made me cry....I felt a strong impression and love for Jesus Christ throughout the Conference....Elder Dallin H. Oaks was pretty bold wasn't he? I definitely think that a reoccurring theme in the conference was to pray, read the scriptures, and attend church (partake of the sacrament) and any other activities really. It's when we do these things that we can develop a lasting conversion that will help us to look to the light and press forward! Something I never noticed before is the audit report....There was someone we taught recently who had an issue with the fact that the church is spending all this money on videos...specifically the Because He Lives video we showed her and she felt that the money could go to something else....As I watched them give an accounting of the money that's been used it hit me and was a testimony builder to me that with all the pornography and inappropriate videos that are out there... why shouldn't there be a videos that are good?! That invite the spirit and come closer to God and Jesus Christ. They backed it up with the fact that the church is not in debt and the money is always for the benefit of others and no one is being paid for what they do in the church. I know that this Gospel is true and has been restored in it's fullness in these latter days! This conference only confirmed it in my heart this truth. I know now more than ever that Jesus does live! and is here to comfort us and hear our souls complaints....because he has been there before and knows everything that we feel and go through or are going through currently! What did you like? or what stood out to you? Feel free to share :p Love you


Sister Moore

March 31st, 2015

  • a squished snail that got stepped on.....sad day!
  • Wilson, basketball style! 

  • After service, hiking trail clearing, we went to Menchies...I think that's what it was called at least (some kind of frozen yogurt place,lol)  

March 31st, 2015
Happy April Fool's  Eve Day, everyone!
 Well, I think that what Heavenly Father is trying to cram into my brain is to love, forgive, pray, and read the scriptures! It seems as though charity (the pure love of Christ), has been something that more and more I realize the importance and the need for it.... I started thinking about times not just on my mission but throughout my life.....In the moment of harder situations I would tend to think "I have the right to be hurt, angry, frustrated, etc." I realize now that what I needed most in those moments was love.... I never thought till recently that if I don't have feelings of love in those moments, then I need to pray for it! (easier said than done, I know) As a missionary, you are with your companion ALL THE TIME.... for safety reasons, but for me, I think it's to teach us to learn to love at all times, in all things, and in all places. Loving all the time can be exhausting....but the savior never ceased to love, so I know that it's possible! Are we supposed to be perfect? No, only the savior lived a perfect life, but should that give us any excuse not to try....He never gave up on us, so neither should we give up on Him, others, and ourselves! I loved the General Women's Conference on Saturday..... President Eyering said something that stuck out to me! He said "Charity Never Faileth" a reference to the scriptures (1 Corinthians 13:8 and Moroni 7:46) and then President Eyering went on to say that "His love never faileth" .....He will never fail nor cease to love us, His charity never faileth.... Now the tricky part it seems like, to me at least is to develop a love like His that never fails. I love the new video that's out #BecauseHeLives, Oh the joy I know this sentence gives, I know that my Redeemer Lives! This upcoming week will be General Conference... Dieter F. Uchtdorf (quorum of the twelve apostles) says, Our merciful and loving Heavenly Father has not forsaken and will not forsake His children. Today, as well as in times past, He has appointed apostles and prophets. He continues to reveal His word to them.
What a marvelous privilege it is to hear God’s messages for each of us during general conference! Let us prepare well for this great blessing of divine guidance delivered by His chosen servants." 
I pray that as we all study and prepare for general conference our prayers will be answered!
Sister Moore

March 23rd, 2015
Monday- This was a Preparation Day Activity from last Monday it was called Dragon Breath 3000 haha.... a missionaries older brother came up with it on his mission and then showed it to him and his family and then he showed it to our zone! It was actually pretty fun!
Tuesday- Dinner with a family, the daughter had a legitimate sword! It looked like Excalibur She knighted me, so now I'm an official knight!  
Wednesday-Pictures of our apartment

March 16th, 2015
Hello everyone! 

My new companion is Sister Hardy! She is from Maine and super awesome! Our week consisted of settling in, getting to know each other, and showing sister Hardy the area. All is well though! Hope you all have a great St. Patrick's Day!!! I learned that the 3 leaf clover signifies the Godhead: God the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) , and the Holy Ghost! Isn't that cool! Someone was telling us the History of St. Patrick's day and I thought that was pretty cool! 

Sister Moore

March 9th, 2015
 Awww, this email made my day..... I literally almost cried,lol. That makes me soo happy to hear, I wish I could've heard his testimony in real life! I'm so excited for Katherine as well, she will be a great missionary! and not to mention, the fact that you are all reading the scriptures every morning! That truly does make a difference! Love you soo much! Words can not express the love I have for our family, I wouldn't want to trade ever!!!

SIster Moor
March 9th, 2015
John bore his testimony in church Sunday and he said how much he looks up to your great example for going on a mission and he can't wait for you to come home. He said that some people feel sorry for all his sisters he has and how he has no brothers. He said he loves all his sisters and that he is not lonely for a brother because he is comforted with knowing he really does have a brother. Everyone does. He loves the fact that he can tell his brother Jesus anything and how close he can feel to him and how he can't wait to serve a mission too. 

John also said how grateful he is for our Stake dances because he loves to dance, especially with the pretty girls. It was a really nice testimony inspired with Kat Christenson's farewell for her upcoming mission to California too, like you. Just not the same district.

Meanwhile, it's been 2 months now that Dad has been instigating early morning scripture reading at 6 a.m. every morning, including Saturdays and Sundays. We chose reading out of  D&C to John and Sabrina because that is what they are studying in seminary. I am so proud of Dad over this. It really starts our day by inviting the spirit first thing. Should have made that a habit with you and Sharon, but better late than never. 



March 9th, 2015
Well here's the scoop....I'm staying and my companion, Sister Kim, is being transferred....So I will have a new companion for my last transfer. More and more it's hitting me that I'm coming to the close of my mission. I keep looking back at the process of it all and feel nothing but gratitude for everything and everyone. I've seen myself grow in ways that I didn't even know I needed to! Lol. There's soo much that's going through my mind. I know that through it all, God is the Gardner, sometimes I have be cut down to become what God knows I can become (check out mormon message video- The Will of God). Something that I feel like I've learned recently as well, is to be positive in everything.... and make what really may be a negative thing and turn it into a positive, it helps me to a lot to be honest, because it is adding a lot more positive into my life and then I feel happier, which is good! lol. Well, that's my little learning insight... Just thought I would share! Love you all! Hope you have a great week!

Sister Moore
March 2nd, 2015
Hello Everyone! Greetings and salutations! haha
Well, I hope you have all had a great week! This week has been rainy and I love it!!! You always want what you don't have....or however the saying goes. I do however like the warmth of California, I've always been a cold person, not the bad kind of cold either, at least I hope I wasn't! This week we had a couple of miracles! The first is a man that we met who is Arabic, but is Christian and believes in God and Jesus Christ, we know that it was God's hand that we met him. We met him because of a wrong address that someone gave us. So, as we were walking back, we saw this man walking, and we gave him a card. We could understand his english a little,  and he could understand ours. He was really excited! He wanted to show us something at his apartment, which was in the same building as the one we just tried to go to!!! He then showed us different pass along cards that other missionaries had given to him! We couldn't go in the home because we didn't have another adult female with us, but we set a return appointment! We are excited to start teaching him! Another Miracle!!!!! We got a referral from the spanish missionaries and we didn't know much, but we stopped by to see them, they are a young couple with a 2 year old daughter, and we stopped by and felt prompted to show them a mormon  message called Mountains to Climb (you should watch it). She really liked it a lot!! We talked a little more and gave them a Book of Mormon and set an appointment to go back! Well, we went back and taught the message of The Restoration of the Gospel and invited them to pray to know the truth for themselves and to know if Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw because he either did or he did not. It was such a good lesson! We are grateful for  these miracles and look forward to another week! Love you all! and thank you for your love and support! 


Sister Moore

Feb. 17th, 2015
Hmmm, what to say this week.... Well, something that has been on my mind more and more are plans and goals. I vaguely had a plan for the rest of my mission, what I wanted to accomplish here in Canyon Country, and it hit me that this will be the last area that I finish my mission in, I mean, there's a slight chance that I could be transferred, but I'm really hoping that I don't! For more than one reason! I love this area and I love my companion! Anyways, back to my plans and goals.... At first I wanted to leave my area and my companion stronger than I found them, but then I realized that was just too vague, It's definitely good and I'm still going to do that, but I started thinking of more specifics! I want to split up the 60 minutes a day I have to do my personal  study into 20 minutes... 20 minutes study the Book of Mormon/ Bible, 20 minutes use Preach My Gospel, and 20 minutes focus on the needs of those that I'm teaching.....I really am making a goal of actually doing this everyday. In Preach My Gospel there are Christlike attributes Faith, Hope, Charity and love, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, Humility, Diligence, and Obedience. All of which for each month since September I've focused on one and one week studied, the next week prayed for it, the next week wrote a talk on it, and so on. I have learned, in the words of M. Russell Ballard, "I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach a ripe old age and look back on our life  only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he/she will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life."   Plans and goals are a huge part in my missionary service thus far and I know that It will definitely help me to do something with my life when I get back. I'm not entirely sure what, but I know that I can ask my Father in Heaven to help and guide me. I love you all and remember to set goals! We are becoming our full potential when we do so! :) 


Sister Moore

Feb/ 17th, 2015
That sounds soooo fun! I am looking  forward to next Valentine's dance then...if they do it again, hopefully they will! John was swing dancing with the girls?! and he's good?!!! Well, I can't wait to see his new and improved dance skills then! :P Haha, and dad, he would wear himself out! He's such a great dancer though, so I'm sure he had a blast! You as well! I'm glad that you had a great Valentines's Day! 

Sister Moore

Feb. 15th, 2015
We went to our church Valentine's dance for 14 and up. They had this cute photo booth set up and some great music. I'm going to try to push them tho make this as traditional annual event. It was so much fun. Ken and Sharon came home for the weekend and they were there dancing. Boy, John sure can dance and the girls sure have fun dancing the swing with him. He's really good. Sabrina had fun dancing with dad and all the boys. Dad was such as good sport and danced almost every dance. He was so sore And sweaty when we got home. His feet and knees were sure killing him, but he was a trooper. We also ate primer rib and shrimp at Uncle Paul's before the dance. Paul's Valentine's treat to dad and I. We had a live band playing at the dance. It was so much fun. 

Lots of love,

Feb. 9th, 2015
My new address is:
26704 Isabella pkwy. Apt.#101
Canyon Country, CA 91351

The latest news is that I'm alive! haha, that's always good you know! Well, we had a pretty good week, our days are pretty jam packed down to the minute! It's a nice problem to have for sure! How have you all been doing?!  Don't be afraid to let me know! :P and I will definitely do my best to let you know how I'm doing always, which to be honest, is always good! I don't have much to complain about really there are people with a lot worse problems! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers! 


Sister Moore

Feb. 9th, 2015
Awww, that's so cute! I really am grateful of dad and yours example to me of truly loving each other, I would notice every time you sat in church together, or hold hands in the car, and even when you would give each other a quick kiss (even though that's gross to me :P) ......You and dad really love each other, so I hope my future husband doesn't mind my expectations of what kind of relationship I want :) 

PS. Never buy that Walmart cook pro again :P haha, I'm sure you weren't going to....but just sayin!

Feb. 9th, 2015
When your dad came home Friday after the accident had happened on Monday night and when he saw me and my wounds for the first time, and I expressed my anxiety over having almost melted my face off, he said, "even if your face had melted off, I'm not going anywhere because I love you for you and not just your pretty face."
(Ahhhh, he thinks I'm still pretty.šŸ˜Š just kidding. Oh the things we women hear)
Now don't I have a keeper for a husband right there? Your Dad is the best. šŸ˜€He then proceeded to tell me how nasty my stomach looks, how it's definitely going to scar, and why haven't I went to the wound clinic. He definitely likes to say it how he sees it. I might not always like that attribute at times, but I respect and appreciate it.
I sure love my Kay Moore.
Dang cheap Wal-Mart Cook Pro 2.5 quart double boiler. Just saying...
Overall, I'm still glad my face doesn't look like my stomach right now and that your Dad still loves me no matter what, even if my face could have melted off, which I am sure grateful it did not.Lol. 

Feb. 9th, 2015
Well, I cease to be amazed of the things that keep happening at home it seems like.... I'm soooooooooooo glad that you alright, and that it wasn't much your face being melted off! Blessings definitely do the trick as well, maybe it wouldn't have been the same if you hadn't have gotten a blessing... Either way, I love you and once again....I'm glad you are alright! 


Sister Moore

Feb. 9th, 2015
I went to the emergency room lady Monday with a badly burned face, swollen bloodshot eyes, and 3rd degree burns on my stomach due to a double boiler I recently purchased from Walmart exploding on me when I was trying to melt some soap in it. 
 I'm afraid I didn't handle the whole accident very well because I thought I had melted my face off. It really scared me. I was home alone as Dad was at a Dare conference in Minnesota, John was hanging out at the apt. And Sabrina was at cheerleading practice.  I immediately was prompted by the spirit and I grabbed my phone, stripped to my underwear, hopped under a cold shower, dialed the phone for help, and stood in the shower crying in pain as I waited for help to arrive, while I prayed that my face hadn't been melted off. It especially was scaring me more, when I looked down at my red stomach with chunks of skin peeling off  because I was scared that my face was going to be looking like what my stomach was looking like. 
When the ambulance showed up, they put some stuff in my eyes to help numb the burning, gave me an i.v. and some pain medicine and transported me to the hospital as I tried to calm down and stop from hyperventilating. They sent me home later and told me that I  should  expect the symptoms to get worse and to keep the burns clean in order to prevent infection from seeping in. 
No don't worry. I also received a blessing that night from brother Bake and Olson, before the ambulance took me to the hospital. I am fine now and I have been applying my facial cream like crazy to my face and it has healed nicely. It at first looked like I had gotten a bad sunburn and my eyes were swollen and burning. But I am fine now. Prayers were answered, I was overall blessed. My stomach is going to be scarred from the 3rd degree burns, but at least my face isn't. It was a crazy night. I'm just glad my face isn't melted off. 
Love Mom
Feb. 2nd, 2015
Well, I'm in Canyon Country 2nd ward! Back in the Santa Clarita zone, lol. My new companion is Sister Kim from Korea. She is 24 (she doesn't look like she's 24) and graduated from the University of China! We are the only Sister Missionaries in the ward, which is nice, we don't have to share members :P hehe. I read out of the ensign for this month... the first talk is by Henry B. Eyering "Testimony and Conversion" .....this talk hit me really hard and pierced my heart. Here is a sneak peek, but I encourage you to read all of it! 

There is difference between receiving testimony of truth and being truly converted. For instance, the great Apostle Peter bore his witness to the Savior that he knew that Jesus was the Son of God.
“[Jesus] saith unto them, But whom say ye that am?
“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
“And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona:  for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is  in heaven” (Matthew 16:15–17).
And yet later, in His injunction to Peter, the Lord gave him and us guide  to become truly converted and to extend that conversion for lifetime.Jesus said it this way: “When thou art convertedstrengthen thy brethren”(Luk22:32).
Jesus taught Peter that there was still great change that must go beyond having testimony to being able to think, feel, and act as truly converted  disciples of Jesus ChristThat is the mighty change we all seek. Once we  obtain it, we need that changto continue until the end of our mortal  probation (see Alma 5:1314) Love you all! I pray you have a great week! Thank you for your love, support and prayers! 
Sister Moore

Jan. 26th, 2015
Well, I know it comes as a shock, but I will be transferring to a different area.... I have no idea where. I've pretty much served in every zone in our mission....well not pretty much, I have served in every zone. I have a feeling I'm going to go to Santa Clarita YSA, I've already served in Northridge YSA so who knows! maybe.... That's the feeling I have, but it could be wrong...A cool insight that I had in one of my personal studies is in John 20:17 it reads "....Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended unto my father"..... the context all up until this point is Christ speaking to Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher where she had been mourning. Christ had been dead for 3 days until that point and if he hadn't ascended unto the Father, where was he in the mean time for those 3 days? I was then able to turn to 1 peter 4:6 "For for this cause was the gospel also preached also to them that are dead....."  Christ was with those spirits in the spirit world (Alma 40:11-14)....and that there's a difference between the spirit world and living with God, because Christ had not yet ascended to the Father. A scripture reference for degrees of glory is in 1 Corinthians 15:40-41. We are a part of God's plan, it's divine and eternal plan....God's purpose is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39) We are destined for eternal progression....A gift that we've been given is agency. We have the choice to choose....Satan would like to take away that agency and have control over you, but that's not how we progress.....We have to make our own decisions for us to learn and to grow. I know that God lives and that He loves each and everyone one of us and that He sent His son and our brother, Jesus Christ, because of that infinite love....Not only does the Father have an infinite love for us but the savior as well has a love that I can't comprehend. His will was to do that of the Father, so my question is....Do we know what the Father's will is for us? Individually we each have an opportunity to align our will to God's. It's human nature to think that we can't do it, or that it's too hard, but I don't want to just "kind of" return my love to Heavenly Father, I want to give back as much as I can....I'm not saying that from hear on out I'm expecting to be perfect, because I know that I'm not going to be....but I'm going to try! "Be patient with yourself, but demand of yourself improvement" Russel M. Nelson. I love you all so dearly, it truly is my privilege to have you all in my life. I would like to share one last scripture ( I know, you're probably sick of all the scriptures, lol, this is truly one of my favorites though) It's in Alma 24:14. Please take time to read this! Love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Moore

Jan.26th, 2015
Sharon sent me some pictures of her at college and of her and ken, they do look cute together (don't tell her I said that, hehe jk) Logan, UT is a pretty temple! I think at least, I don't know if I'm picturing the right one, haha. Sounds great! Can't wait to see the skirts!

We actually found out that we are both being transferred, because there are a lot of Sister Missionaries that are  going home and will continue to go home because of the big wave that came out, there are areas that are going to close, so the Tarzana ward is going to now have only one set of elders. You should definitely still email her mom though still! :) Sabrina needs glasses?! Fun, fun.... at least she only needs them for reading. A schedule and reward will most likely motivate john, so that sounds like a great plan! Haha. As for an address to send it to, probably just send it to the mission office...I won't be able to email you my new address till next Monday. The mission office address is:
     23504 Lyons Ave. Ste. 107
      Santa Clarita, CA 91321

Jan. 19th, 2015
Well, Where to start?! We have transfer calls this week and I'm nervous to find out if I'm staying or going, because I really would like to stay so that I can finish my mission here in Tarzana. I know that It's definitely not my will, but I'm hoping that Heavenly Father's will is that I stay,lol. I have really been trying to more and more stay focused on the seems harder. I know that Satan would have me finish out my mission weak, but I am determined more than ever to finish strong. These are my desires at least, it's easier said than done.....Something that I have truly gained a testimony of is prayer and reading the scriptures. When I look at times that I've really personally struggled before the mission, It was when I wasn't really praying and if I did read the scriptures, I was only reading it to say that I read it. I wasn't able to truly under stand the scriptures until I really had a desire to understand them and study them.... It wasn't like it was easy for me to just all up and study them and understand it...I had to go at my own pace, I started by writing down what I read (what stood out to me) and how it applies to me. I began to notice slowly but surely, the words meant something to me and I was getting something out of it!! I was also able to effectively use the scriptures in my teaching as a missionary. The scriptures are referred to as the words of life for a helps us in our life, everyday you can have the upliftment of their words....IF you read them. I know and I can promise, that without a shadow of a doubt that prayer and scripture study will change your life....I've realized that if there's anyone that will give me the answers and the strength to be able to do anything in this life....It's Heavenly Father. I love you all and keep you in my prayers! Have a great next week! :) 


Sister Moore

Jan. 12th, 2015
Hello! :) Thank you soo much for your email, You are so inspired! I was literally just what I needed to hear... I have been starting to get sick (again) and so I will for sure be taking your health advice :)  Also, the day after Christmas we went to the post office to see if they had any of my packages, and then they said that the packages that get sent to the apartments that I live in right now go to the leasing office! So I think they had been there a little while and I didn't know it....However, I ended up getting all of the packages, one from the you (and the family), Schulthies, and Matsumori's :) Tell them all thank you soo much! I love my footie pajamas by the way! They are so warm :) I was wondering possibly if the next time you are able to send something my way, could you send some more of the goats milk soap and the your favorite facial cream.....It's been working like a dream on my face, I also have not been wearing any make up really as of late, I'm trying to go for the natural beauty look,lol. I still wear like eye make up and mascara, but not as much! My companion wears a make up called "bare minerals" and she said that it's really good because it doesn't clog your pores and make your face break out and it covers the imperfections! The only thing is that it costs a lot, but she said it lasts a long time.....I will see, I want to look into it after the mission maybe :P haha.
I'm soo happy to hear that you are going out of your way to get to know the other women and serve them, that's awesome! Look what happens from just getting up and sharing your testimony, it affected that woman! :) I love you so much, and I'm happy to hear that your happy!  I'm sure the rest of the family is enjoying it as well because, when momma aint happy aint nobody happy! :P haha, Love you!
Sister Moore

Jan. 12th, 2015
Christmas Pictures

Jan. 12th, 2015
I hope you like your Rue21 skirts and blouses. Sabrina helped choose one skirt and I chose the other. I hope you like your footie pj's. I'm sure you do.

I hope all is well and you are still being positive and in great health with your outstanding sense of humor. Keep up the good work. I am so proud of you. Don't forget to take your daily vitamins.
Do you need anymore vitamins? Also, Vitamin D3 is an excellent source of vitamins to help with depression issues. You shouldn't have to worry about that, but if you get to feeling a little blue and don't know why, try a little extra vitamin D3, Also, make sure you are taking a woman's daily vitamin and it doesn't hurt anything to be drinking honey teas with cinnamon or lemon juice added for an extra metabolism boost and keeping you healthy. Just some friendly motherly advice being sent your way. Need to keep the body healthy to be at your spiritual best. Just saying.

I've lost 40 pounds now and I now weigh 166 instead of the dreaded 207 I had reached after you left. When you left on your mission, I weighed around 187, so I gained more before I found some natural supplements I am now taking that has helped me get out of my depression slump, make better eating choices, and start losing weight instead of gaining. I lost the weight be cutting out sugar, drinking more water, cutting out white breads, etc. Now to lose at least 30 more pounds by doing the same, but with some actual exercise. I hope to weigh at least 140 but would love to be weighing 135 again, when you get off your mission. Wish me luck. That is my goal.

I've been also working on trying to get to know other women I don't know at church more by learning their names and making them feel welcome. The plan is to try to do a lunch date with someone new each month. Maybe invite more than one woman. I have been learning more names and it has been fun. I actually had a woman come up to me after church last Sunday and introduce herself because she had really enjoyed my testimony I had given and that it had really meant a lot to her and how she has been inactive and trying to come back to church since her husband had died over a year ago. It was nice to know my testimony had helped her. I bore in my testimony how I have attended LDS churches throughout the world and the one thing that stood out to me was that how the church is run and the foundation it stands on stays the same. It is the people in it that doesn't and who are not perfect, but how the church is run stays the same no matter what. I had said that I had learned that it doesn't matter what anyone says or does that might offend me within the church,that it doesn't matter because I know and believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints with all my heart, might, mind, and being. Anyways, this woman told me that she had been struggling with having been offended by a church member and she really needed to hear what I had to say and she gave me a big hug and I encouraged her to keep coming to church and to feel free to sit by me and keep me company.

Anyways, I'm trying harder to go out of my way to serve others and get to know more women from church and to try and make everyone feel welcome and to not be just focused on me.

Lots of love,

Dec. 22nd, 2014
How did your song go?

Dad gave the last talk in church Sunday for the Christmas program. It was on God's gift to its and using the gifts we've been given. He read your email you wrote on Gods gift to us. He then told the story of how "How Great Thou Art" was written and came about and then had Sharon sing it while I played the chorus with her on my flute. Wish you were there to help. Your Dad Did a wonderful job of tying it all together and bringing the spirit. 

Stacey is here visiting for 2 weeks. 

Sharon is officially engaged to Ken Frahm as of Saturday, when he gave her her beautiful ring. They are going to wait to get married in the Boise temple in May, so you would be able to attend. 

I also fixed the apartment bathroom up real cute. I put in New rugs, shower curtain, painted the window sil, and putt a long mirror on the wall with a shelf under it and a new laundry hamper. It looks real nice. I need to paint the top half of the bathroom still.

Merry Christmas, My Sarah Louise.

Please open your box asap, the gifts are wrapped, but I have some gift soaps you can give as Christmas presents and some snacks you can eat right away. 



Dec. 22nd, 2014
This is our Christmas Tree and decorations :) lol..... I know. Ghetto, but we love it!

These are the elders we are serving with in the ward 

Dec. 15th, 2014
We had Stake Conference this week and  Elder Anderson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, came and I got to shake his hand and take a picture with him! The picture isn't loading, so I will try and get it to you all next week! Can you believe Christmas is almost here??! We decorated our apartment with christmas chain links and paper snowflakes,lol. Just remember CPR.....Go to CHURCH, always Pray, and don't forget to Read! :) Love you all! 


Sister Moore

Dec. 15th, 2014
Grandma said that the letters and cards she's been sending have been coming back! So maybe just to be safe send the packages to the mission office:

23504 Lyons Ave. Ste. 107 
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

Please send me pics of sharon and ken's engagement as soon as you make them! :P Love you! 


Sister Moore

Dec. 8th, 2014
17 days till CHRISTMAS!!!!....Not that I'm counting :P This time of the year truly does feel like the "Most wonderful time of the year" ... or for me it does at least. I can't help but to feel so happy when I see the Christmas lights and the feeling that Christmas brings.... We recently watched as missionaries a video called "He is the Gift" ....if you go to, you will find the video there! It's super good and really just emphasizes that Christ was the first gift to us all! I know that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God, born of Mary..... He was born so that we could overcome temptation, be forgiven of our imperfections, so that we could Live again! and more!!! I have so much to be grateful for and I will strive to "share the Gift" not just by my words but by my actions. :)  I promise with all my heart that as we all strive to accept Jesus Christ in our lives and act in Faith in Jesus Christ that we will all infinitely have a brighter hope and feel of the great love that He  has for us. It's not enough to just sit passively and believe..... at the end of my life I want to be able to live the kind of life where I can look into the eyes my Savior and Redeemer's face and to have Him say to me "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." In the words of Enos "....I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before Him; then shall I see His face with pleasure, and He will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen."  I pray that you all have a blessed week and I hope you know how much I love you and am grateful for the part that you have played in my life. 
"Discover the Gift. Embrace the Gift. Share the Gift."
Sister Moore 

Dec. 1st, 2014
Hey everyone!
Alma 34:38 ".....that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which He doth bestow upon you."  I love that! Let us be in thanksgiving daily then!....and not just around this time of year! We had some rain this week! it was nice! I also jumped a fence, yes, I know....stupid, but I did it anyways. I was up at the top and my then I realized how dumb it my head I was thinking "If I get hurt, how would I explain this to president?....then, I was like, "How would I explain this to anyone?!" .... I proceeded to jump down on the other side, hoping for the best and landed on my feet and then my butt.... so not too bad of a landing if you ask me! I did get some bruises from it, but not bad if you ask me! We also got a new investigator this week! Which we haven't gotten one in a while, so we were super happy! She is a super sweet lady, she had an lds friend growing up, so that's how she's familiar with the church. It's amazing to me, the more and more I've been reading the scriptures and studying the doctrine, my testimony becomes more and more a seed, we need to give our testimonies the proper nourishment so that they can grow....So if you want your testimony to grow, if you want the sunshine and the blessings, you have to do your part and make sure that you water yourselves spiritually EVERY DAY.....Not once in a while. I love ya'll! Hope ya have a great rest of the week! Thanks for your prayers and support!
Sister Moore

Dec. 1st, 2014
I have some really exciting news for you. Your sister Sharon is going to be getting married to Ken Frahm from Nyssa, he is related to Weston. They have been dating since July and they are wanting to get married around the time you get home. So, it is very important that we know the exact date so that they can plan around that. Sharon really wants you at her wedding. This will give me time to make decorations and wedding gifts. I'm so excited.

Don't forget to answer the other questions because we need to get your Christmas gifts sent to you ahead of time to make sure you get them for Christmas this year.

I forgot to take pictures of the family at Thanksgiving at Brandy's. Oops. Sorry.

I still have the shingles rash by my eye, it is driving me crazy. Your dad is scheduled to have knee surgery before Christmas. It is not a knee replacement, but it is to fix a torn meniscus and clean it out. It is paid by workman's comp, since he got the injury at work. Meaning, everything will be paid for, even his wages from not being able to work during recovery. That's a blessing in disguise.


Nov. 24th, 2014
Hey ya'll! It was another great week! We worked super hard and didn't have a lot of results from it, and you know what! I'm very satisfied with that, I mean, it still is somewhat disappointing but my success as a missionary is not measured by numbers, by how many baptisms, investigators, etc. I've also learned to not compare myself to the "success" of others, everyone is different, and we can't control the miracles,  God is in charge of that part! But we control obedience, we control our attitudes, we control hard work.....  Now is the time to especially control what we are grateful for and there is literally soo much to be grateful for! I am sooo grateful for my family, friends, to be out here on a mission, and to have food to eat, a car to drive, for the gospel of Jesus Christ, the word of God, communication with God (prayer), literally sooo many things, I left out a ton, but I really am grateful for soo much! Have a great thanksgiving and know that you're all in my prayers! :) Love you!!


Sister Moore 

Nov. 24th, 2014
 I've used all of the bubblebath stuff and the goats milk soap, and I love the lavender one! You are so creative, I hope some day I'm half as creative as you are! Love you!

Nov. 17th, 2014
I admit, I did get a little overwhelmed with everything that was happening all at once this last couple of weeks. We still have so many blessings to count in our lives, like the fact that we are still alive and able to be here on earth to learn, grow, and help others to do the same. As we learn and grow in the gospel, of course.
No point in looking at our current burdens, when we still have so many blessings.


Nov. 17th, 2014
Thank you for being a great daughter. My rash by my eye has been very painful, itchy, and annoying. Then when it showed up on my belly button and buttox, I just couldn't take it anymore. Obviously it wasn't going away on it's own. So, I gave in and went to the doctor. I'm glad I did. She has me taking two kinds of pills to fight the virus, plus putting on a medicated powder. 

It's all calming down. And the night our house flooded, Dad was hunting and I was at work. Sam Eckhard came over and helped the kids clean it up. It was all in the bathroom, kitchen, and entryway. A little got on the carpet in the music room, but sam had the kids take the shop vac and vacuum it up. It all worked out. Luckily the other rooms the water got in, had no carpet or it would have been a bigger nightmare. It was an easy fix thank goodness and only cost $27 to rent the snake machine to put in the pipes to clear out any clogs. It pulled out some hair that was clogging the pipe. Sam's been a good friend to our family and sure has helped your Dad out alot. 

Everything is calming back down and has left me more appreciative of life and all my wonderful blessings of things that do work, like our bodies are still working, our house is still working, and life is still working. 

I am so grateful to be here and still working. I have some great ideas I want to start doing to help befriend other women at church. I also would like to at least once a month invite a church member or family over for our Sunday dinners.
We just had Brandy and Maurice over last Sunday for dinner. Now to invite Lori and Weston. Then I'd like to invite your Aunt Ashley and Aunt Norma. 

Remember, everything we do, all our time and talents, should be in trying to build the kingdom of God here on earth. 


Nov. 17th, 2014
Wow!!!.... That's a lot! I'm glad that Heavenly Father has been watching over you though, He's always there...even in our trials, without Him all of those things could have been a lot worse. I'm sooo grateful that you are all alive... I thank you for the updates as well, it's better to know, then to not know...haha. I'm also glad to hear your positive attitude despite it all. Love you! and thanks for being a great mom!

Nov. 17th, 2014
Your dad hurt his good knee awhile back and then turned around and threw his back out a couple of weeks ago, probably from favoring his good knee. He is wearing a back brace and is scheduled for an MRI for his knee to see the extent of the damage because it isn't getting better.Then around the same time our house got flooded and I had to snake the pipes with the supervision of your Dad because he couldn't do it because of how bad his back is hurting him. Then this is when my John gets hypothermia and almost died at the FHS Band competition in Boise and my Sabrina hurts her back and suffers a bad concussion and had to see a specialist because some cheerleader threw her in the air and didn't catch her. Then to top it all off, I develop shingles by my eye and some painful and itchy stress sores on other parts of my anatomy. I wonder what I have to be stressed about, by the way. I could go on to my personal relations and say how I have been left feeling more appreciative of who my real friends are, the ones whom I have chosen to be in my life. Overall, it could be worse. 

The good news is we are all alive and kicking. Some of us better than others, but still, it could be worse. I have a lot to be grateful for still and I know that God will not give me more than I can handle because my favorite scripture is 1 Nephi 3:7 and favorite bible story right now is about Job (prounounced Jobe). At least my house hasn't burned down and all my family killed off. At least my stress sores and shingles aren't festering boils. Furthermore, I can also add that my husband's cancer hasn't returned and how blessed we are to still have him in our lives. There are a lot of cancer victims who haven't been so blessed. Overall, it could be worse. All I have to do is remember the story of Job and I feel better already.

Now, don't worry, it's all in control and we've all seen doctors and are all on medication, except John. That was just scary. I'll email you the detail of his event and Sabrina's. 


Nov. 17th, 2014
For those that didn't know, my son, John Moore, got hypothermia at the FHS band competition Sat. Nov. 1st. It was pretty bad and we were blessed that the parent on the bus with him noticed that something wasn't right with John. He didn't respond when she asked him if he was okay, he was confused, disoriented, his eyes looked glassy eyed and he was shaking, and she said he felt ice cold. Thank goodness she got his wet top suit off and wrapped a blanket around him and tried to get him warm. They called me at home and told me that they thought he had had a seizure. When I met them at the school, he didn't even recognize me, he was no longer shivering (or having a seizure as they thought), but he seemed extremely sleepy, and I kept having to tell him that it was okay now because Mom was there. He still didn't recognize me. He was slow to respond, stuttering, and short of breath. It was really scary. He was hard to direct and get him to walk to the car. I was trying real hard to stay calm because he was not acting normal and wasn't recognizing me.
We could have lost him that night, if that parent hadn't of helped him the way she did. John was doing what he was told by Mr. Williams, and that was not to change into dry clothes until they got back to the school. Wrong call. Some of the kids changed anyways, but my son was doing what he was told and it could have cost him his life. They are lucky that none of the other kids had gotten hypothermia too. It is serious and rainy cold weather like that is the number one perfect opportunity to develop hypothermia. The kids were in that weather all day long. The one parent told me that they sat out in the cold rain for at least 2 hours straight and then John stayed out another hour helping put stuff away. John also does not remember any of this.
I am just grateful that John is okay, that the parent on the bus paid attention and caught on that something was wrong, that the parent made the right call and tried to get him warm. I am grateful to still have my son and that none of the other kids got hypothermia too. I just want to vent about it and let whomever reads this know that hypothermia is very serious and can happen fast with the right weather conditions. And trust me when I say that day was extremely cold and rainy.
" Normally, the activity of the heart and liver produce most of your body heat. But as core body temperature cools, these organs produce less heat, in essence causing a protective "shut down" to preserve heat and protect the brain. Low body temperature can slow brain activity, breathing, and heart rate.
Confusion and fatigue can set in, hampering a person's ability to understand what's happening and make intelligent choices to get to safety."
On an event like that with weather like that, they need to be more informed about the causes and symptoms of hypothermia and the seriousness of it. They need to be more aware of the possibility of hypothermia, symptoms to look for, and how to prevent it from happening. My son was not and did not have a seizure, thank goodness for that.

John is fine now. Don't worry. We were so blessed to have that parent on the bus who knew John and was prompted to notice something was wrong and to help him the way she did. Even if she thought he had a seizure, she did the right thing and saved his life. 

We are still so blessed and I am just grateful we are all alive and kicking.


Nov. 17th, 2014
Sabrina was thrown in the air by some cheerleaders who normally don't throw her and they did not catch her. How that happened is beyond my comprehension. She landed flat on her back on the track and suffered a concussion. I had to get her cleared by a back specialist and put on a recovery schedule and medicine for her horrible headaches from the concussion by a concussion specialist. The day after her accident is when  John got hypothermia at the FHS band competition. Sabrina is doing fine now and is supposed to take it easy and take Napraxen for the headaches and a muscle relaxer for her back spasms. No spinal damage and her scoliosis she has looks like it is not going to get worse and she will no longer have to see a specialist for that.

It all worked out. She still is getting the bad headaches, but she'll be fine.

Nov. 10th, 2014
Haha, Well a mission is hard so it's definitely understandable....It just helps me personally to feel better and happier when I look at the bright and positive side of things. I'm sad to hear that Stacey and Shelly's grandma died...I hope they are doing well. I am glad to hear that Shelly got my letter though, I will send her another one with an article of faith card :) Glad to hear from you! Love you!

Nov. 10th, 2014
Hello! :) 

So my new companion is Sister Morris! So it will be Sister Morris and Sister Moore, the M&M's :P haha. I love Sister Morris!!!!! She's so awesome! and definitely prepared, she was actually going to BYU-Idaho before she came out here on her mission. She's from Kentucky! :) We have had a great week so far, we had to take care of a lot of car stuff, because it was making funny noises and we had a rental and then our car  got fixed and we took it back and returned the rental we had been using and then got our car back finally!!!!!!! haha, It was madness, not to mention another sickness was going around from the weather change and then we ended up getting it...which was no bueno, but we are feeling better now! Through it all, it just seemed like one thing after another was happening, but it really did help me to look at my blessings and the positive things, because it helped me to press forward better instead of becoming discouraged. Life is soo much of what you make it because not everything you get is going to great and easy, there is bound to be a trial sometime or another. So I am going to always try to make the best of it! and think positively! Especially through the trials that are hard. Love you all! KEEP ON GOING! Every day is a gift, that's why it's called the present....I think that's how the saying goes,haha. I'd love to hear from you all and hear how you're doing!
Sister Moore

Nov. 4th, 2014
I'm so excited for your excitement and positive attitude still. I'm very proud of you. Sister Wilson especially enjoys reading your positive encouraging and uplifting emails. Made me appreciate your uplifting optimism and continual progression with your testimony and knowledge of the gospel. 

Stacey and Shelly's grandma died and Shelly came down for the funeral. She said her dog chewed up her last letter and articles of Faith card from you. You could send her another articles of Faith card cause it sounded like she liked it.

I'll write more later, I have to go to work.


Nov. 3rd, 2014
Hello Everyone! :)
So the crazy news for this week is that our car tire was making funny noises, so the mission car coordinator asked us to take it in to the dealership! So we did and they said the Dealership guy said it sounded pretty bad, so they said that they would only be keeping it and checking it our for a day and then it ended up taking wayyy longer so we haven't had it for 4 days now and so we finally went in to get a rental car today and it took FOREVER! Lol, It was a long and complicated process but we finally got a car to take us from place to place....our legs are now dead tired though because our area is huge and it has hills, but I'm not going to lie I didn't realize how much I missed being on bike (I haven't been on bike since February with Sister Goettsche, who is going home tomorrow :(....) I'm so grateful to have a car again though, I took advantage of having one take me from place to place! We also had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! in our apartment, because our mission president asked us to be in by 7:00 for safety reasons... so Sister Jung and I were like "Sweety, Party!!!" haha jk.... We ended up planning and cleaning and then going to bed! haha, We were sooo tired! My thigh's are now beastly strong and muscular, hehe. Then, Saturday we got transfer calls and Sister Jung is leaving to a car area :( and I will be staying and training a new missionary! I'm so excited/nervous, haha... I think back to when I was a new missionary and I realize how nerve wrecking it must have been for my trainer! So, I will give you the news of my new companion! :) Love you all! Have a great next week!
Sister Moore

Oct. 27th, 2014
Yeah, I hope my email didn't offend anyone.... You should post on Facebook, previews or clips from Meet the Mormons.... Have you seen it yet? Also, another good talk to post would be Elder Bednar's talk from this last General Conference, I feel like that will clarify a lot of things to people. This week was really good! I can't believe that it's Monday again though! We met with this lady Olive Jones and her husband is Stan Jones... He wrote the song Ghost Rider in the sky! She also knows and was/is good friends with Burl Ives, Walt Disney, John Wayne, and more....She said her husband was in a old time western show, but I forgot the name,lol. In 50 years, there will be people that I've met or events in history that I will be a part of that I will be sharing to the younger kids and they will be just as shocked as I was when talking with this Sister Jones...haha, Well I love you all! Thank you soo much for your love and support! 


Sister Moore

Oct. 20th, 2014
Hello Everyone! I'm so grateful for yet another amazing week! Everyday is a new day, every moment is another chance to be better than you were the moment before! From the words of veggie tales, "God is a God of second chances" and thirds, and fourths, He will never give up on us! He loves us so much! Isn't that amazing! I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ  appeared to Joseph Smith......Isn't that amazing?! I mean, we may be used to it, but not everyone can accept that or believe that right away! It's kind of a lot to take in....but it happened! I know that it's such an amazing message that I have the privilege of sharing right now! Joseph knew it and he could NOT deny it.... He endured so much, if you want to know more about what He endured and what the saints endured, read "Our Heritage"...... Why would they all go through so much? No one sacrificed more for the salvation of men, except for Jesus Christ, Our savior and Redeemer, who is the Head of this Church! This week we taught an amazing lesson, It went really well!! I have been reading the Old Testament and New Testament and it only builds on to my testimony as I read of the ways of God, "He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever".......the pure evidence we have of it all is the Book of Mormon, when you read and pray about it you will know for yourself! What's the harm in trying...... We still are waiting to hear on the approval for the iPads, the closer I get to being done with my mission, the more I think about my future...It's not for certain what's going to happen or the path that I will take, but I know that I'm in good hands.... When you look at those who love God and surrender their will to Him, they look and are HAPPY! Wickedness never was happiness and will not last, righteous followers of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are persecuted for not conforming the standards of God to the standards of men.... It may seem like fun or easy to live of the world, but how long is that really going to last???? I say these things purely out of love, I hope it doesn't come across as any other way, but if I didn't love or care...I wouldn't say anything at all. So know that I love you all so much and know that the only way to know what's true is to ask God! Hope you all have a great week! 


Sister Moore

Oct. 13th, 2014
Hey Everyone! So this week, we got a new investigator! I read a lot of talks that pretty much changed my life as well.... "Beware of Pride", "Purification", and "The Fourth Missionary".....Sooo amazing! I've realized that the Gospel is all about change! When you change! "The purpose and central blessing of life is change. It is to be changed to become more like Jesus Christ. It is to incorporate into your character, the qualities of His character....." - Lawrence E. Corbridge 
I've also learned that when you come on a mission, you sacrifice your time, talents, etc. but the only uniquely personal thing that I can offer as a sacrifice is MY WILL.... I am working to purify myself, I still let little things bother me, or I get frustrated, or anything that takes away from me feeling the spirit....Through the process of this all I've just been able to feel the love of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ :) I never cease to be amazed! I love you all so much! Thank you soo much for your love, support, and prayers!

Okay, this is Mom speaking. I need to email Sarah for the links to "Purification" and "The Fourth Missionary" because I can't find them.

October 13th, 2014
I have great insurance from my new job and my teeth are real bad from neglect, especially these last couple of years. I also had gained 30 pounds more since you've been on your mission. The good news is I just lost those 30 pounds. Now to lose 30 more before you get home. 
Also, with my new insurance, I just had a cavity filled  and another tooth pulled that would have cost me $550, but I only had to pay $85. I have 3 more cavities to be done in November.
Now to get some fake teeth because the tooth they just pulled is one of the main ones I chew with on the left side. Now remember, two of the main ones I chew with were pulled on the right side last August. So now I'm toothless. Luckily the ones missing you can't tell. That was a blessing in disguise.
Lesson for you to remember is to always brush 
 and floss  no matter how depressed you might get. And to keep regular checkups that act as a prevention and catch a cavity before it gets worse and you end up getting it pulled. Just saying....


Oct. 6th, 2014
Wow! Okay, today has been the craziest of crazies!!!! I feel like I don't have any time at all to email, but to tell you how my week went, we met a lot of less actives and had a great week! I'm meeting more and more members and really getting to know and love the ward! General Conference was simply amazing! I had a question of what to do for education after the mission, since the deadlines are coming up and I didn't know what to do really.....But Elder Carlos Gados talk really inspired me to look at the big picture, my patriarchal blessing and prayer are tools and resources that I'm given to make these choices that I'm seeming to face about my future and what to do..... I do know that when I go home, I feel I should work and try and get my CNA.... That's what I feel good about so far at least. I'm grateful for Elder Bednar's talk as well, it was so good!  I think if there is one that I would share with everyone, it would be that one! This week we get a great new addition to our mission......IPADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will receive training on how to use the iPads and how to use Facebook as missionaries, so that will be good,lol. :) Love you all and I thank you and appreciate your love, support and prayers! 


Sister Moore

P.S. Scratch that, I just read my mission presidents email and getting iPads has been postponed... Apparently another mission misused the use of iPads and now the Presidency is reviewing whether they should continue the use or not.... Our mission president then said the following: "Like you, Sister Hall and I are quite disappointed. May I just say like Alma did to his son Corianton in Alma 41:10, “Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.” Especially when someone else’s wickedness impacts my happiness! Elders and Sisters, “O be wise; what can I say more?” (Jacob 6:12)." Haha, I thought I would share that, because I couldn't have said it better! Well, I will keep you posted! 

Oct. 6th, 2014
Oh mean, I have been checking my email all day, hoping to see an email from you. I really look forward to hearing from you on Mondays. Meanwhile, I have been waiting all day to hear from Sharon too because I am dying to know how her weekend went. Sharon went to Utah to watch conference with a couple of her new roommates from BYUI. 

I hope this means I have to wait another week to hear from you. Torture, sheer torture. I can't wait to hear from you.

Sept. 29th, 2014
An nyeung ha se yo!!! :) I'm now in Tarzana! I love the name, because it reminds me of Tarzan the movie,lol. My new companion is Sister Jung, she's from Korea, my greeting is hello in korean if you were wondering :p This week we got to watch "Meet the Mormons" as a mission...Is was a little bit of a sneak peak because it will be coming out in theaters soon!! You should all watch it! It's really good! It's about understanding the Mormons, so it's not a proselyting video.....It's awesome! Hope you all can watch it and let me know what you think! I'm excited for General Conference this next week! It truly is amazing that we get to hear from the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, himself, and I love being able to come in with a question and to have it answered! So I encourage all of you to watch it with a question in your heart and I know that if you listen, you will hear the answer :) 
Love you all! Keep on, keeping on!! :P haha

Sept.8th, 2014
in just one month I will be at my year mark! It's crazy to think that just about a year ago I entered the MTC, It honestly feels like just a few months ago I was in the MTC and excited/nervous to go out in the actual mission field of the Great California San Fernando Mission! :) I'm so grateful for my companions! They are Amazing!!!!!! I have realized more and more that my problems are so insignificant it's not even funny. I look at a lot of members in our area, as well as our investigators, and they have real problems, I know and I truly feel that when I focus on others and serve, that my "problems" become not my focus and I then become not worried about me, but for others. I love being on a mission soo much, it's truly changing me in soo many ways. 

Okay, on a different subject... President Monson's latest talk in the latest Ensign on "Are we prepared?" You should read it! I feel like now is the time to prepare and to be safe rather than sorry! :P Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sister Moore

Sept. 8th, 2014
Sharon loves Doctor Who so I'm sure that she loved it being there! I definitely can't wait to see pictures! I'm so happy kristen smith emailed you! I love her and her family! She's really musical and reminds me of you! So you should keep in touch with her! I'm glad you were able to comfort Taylor, tell her I am so proud of her as well! I love that you sent me some tips of coming down with a cough, because my throat has been hurting lately,lol. Love you! Thanks for emailing me! I look forward to your emails,lol. 

P.S. I thought the part about you leaving relief society to pass gas was hilarious!! So I showed my companions.... sorry, I had to show them where I get it from! :P lol

Sept. 8th, 2014
Sharon went to some Comic conference in Utah with Amanda this last weekend and she had a lot of fun from the looks and sound of it. I can't find those pictures of Sharon on facebook. Sharon showed me some pictures of her in front of Dr. Who's booth with Amanda. They were so cute. I just messaged Sharon for her to send you them for you to see. 
I took John and Sabrina to the Movies Saturday night. Sabrina also brought a church friend. Sabrina and her friend watched the new "Step Up" movie and they said it was really good. While John and I watched "Malifacent" the new Sleeping Beauty Movie with Angelina Jolie, and it was really good. John was really wanting to see it and so was I. Sabrina had already seen it, hence why she watched the other with her friend. I then treated them to Jack in the Box afterwards. 
I got an email from Kristen Smith. I need to email her back still and thank her for emailing me. She said she has been enjoying playing the piano to your song "Believe in Me" and that her and her kids just love it. She also said that you are performing it for the Young Women and that she was going to record it and send it to me. I'm so excited to hear you singing your new version. I can't wait to see it. 
I'm getting ready to mail you another package, please update me with your current address. I just want to make sure it is the same, so that you can receive it faster. I just purchased another bag of peanut butter m&m's because I ate the last one I bought you the other week. It was too tempting. I had it sitting aside to mail to you and I got hungry for something sweet. 
Sunday I went to the bathroom during Relief Society because I had gas and didn't want to disperse during the lesson. Anyways, when I went into the bathroom, I found Taylor Foote crying because they were singing a song in primary about families and she was already missing her family just at the thought of leaving to the MTC next week. She will be going to the Phillipines for her mission. Anyways, I tried to cheer her up by bragging about you and giving her advice about how you are not shy to ask for a blessing or talk to the mission president. I told her how proud of her I was for making the decision to serve a mission just like you. Anyways, it looked like it helped. I then gave her a big hug. Wish it was you I was hugging. 
Well, I hope you have another great week. 
I've been having fun experimenting with homemade healing salves. I'm trying to formulate one that I can send you without worrying about it melting on the way, if it was to get to hot during the delivery. 

Remember, if you feel yourself coming down with a cough, drink some honey tea. If you want a healthy energy boost, drink some honey tea also for that. Honey helps to speed up your metabolism, acts as an appetizer suppressant, and will also help you sleep. Cinnamon and lemon act as an appetizer suppressant and boosts your metabolism too. So I have been drinking a cup of honey with a little cinnamon and sometimes I had lemon for the extra boost and because I like the flavor. Put around 1 tbsp of  honey and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon in hot water. Your best honey is the raw organic honey because it has the most benefits from it. Also, if you break out with a bad blemish on your face, just dab a little honey on it at night and by the next day it will be almost gone. Honey is antibacterial and vets like to put honey on the wounds of animals to help the wounds heal faster and protect them from getting infected. Honey is also great on cold sores and stress sores. I think I'll send you my oatmeal, goat milk and honey facial mask I've been wearing lately. The goat milk helps slough off the dead skin, is full of extra vitamins, and will penetrate our skin better because it has a PH balance that is close to ours. The oatmeal acts as a light exfolliation and helps to soften the skin. The honey helps draw out toxins, soften the skin, and give it an extra glow. You'll enjoy how great your skin feels after using it and it will help keep your skin healthy and acne free


Sept. 2nd, 2014
I work at Witco in Ontario at a residential home for 8 disabled adults. Overall, the company, Witco, is over doing programs to help the disabled adults. So the ones I take care of go to a community work center put on by Witco, where other disabled adults who live at their homes with their families go too. It gives them something to look forward to doing by being productive doing odd jobs that make them feel important and worthwhile. A lot better than sitting home all day doing nothing. It's a good program. Eileen Waddells daughter does this through Witco in Idaho. 
What is cool is that they hired me knowing that I am interested in an administration job with my degree. They told me that I can start applying for administration jobs with the company, after I have been working their for 6 months. 
Meanwhile, I still am waiting for the provision too start hiring again.

Sept. 2nd, 2014
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome!!! That's also scary at the same time!!! That bear could have eaten him! Was John with him when he shot the bear??? Can't wait to see the pictures.

Sept. 2nd, 2014
Dad came back early last night with John because he shot a big dark chocolate bear with his bow, around 15 yards away, and with the beat looking down at him in a tree. The beat is huge, around 6'2"" and weighing 280 pounds. We are looking at making a head mount of it for in our Livingroom. And yes, it  is three Times bigger than that baby bear we have on our wall  right now. This has  been a hunting dream come true for Dad to shoot a bear with his bow. It is quite exciting.
I don't have pictures yet, but as soon as I do I'll send them too you.


Sept. 2nd, 2014
Where is it that you work?

Sept. 2nd, 2014
This week was good, we are meeting with all of our investigators, but it's not as regular as we would like it to be... Also, we only have a couple of them come to church every now and again, so we are trying to get them to come consistently. We taught the Restoration a lot last week so now we are going to be teaching everyone the Plan of Salvation this week.... Something cool, The Restoration is How we know what we know, the Plan of Salvation is What we know, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is What we do about what we know! I love that and honestly I realized that the Plan of Salvation (what we know) is something that I need to know a lot better... at least in a way that I understand it so well, that I could teach it simply. I was studying it and was trying to find a way of teaching it to Travis, he's 7 turning 8 in a month and he loves basketball! So I was like hey! why not relate the Plan of Salvation to basketball for him!

Heavenly Father- Head Coach
Jesus Christ- Assistant Coach
His Children (all of us)- Basketball players
Prophet- Point Guard

Heavenly Father is literally the best coach ever! He knew us before we stepped onto the court or the game of life so to speak... He knows us individually and wants what's best for us! He helped us prepare to become the best players we could be and he gives us agency to choose.... I only thought of this this morning so I haven't worked it all out yet, but I will let you know next week! That's all I have so far, but I do know that even though we mess up and make mistakes Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be the best players we can be, learn from our mistakes, and move forward.....and in the end, win the game!

Love you all and thank you soo much for all that you do! Press forward, endure well to the end! Heavenly Father loves you and knows what's best for you!

I Nephi 3:7 "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."


Sister Moore

Sept. 1st, 2014
I hoped you had a fantastic week. Last couple of days I've been all alone at the house. Dad and John are of bow hunting with Sam Eckard. Sabrina spent the night at Lori's Sat. and Brandy's Sunday. There's no school today. Right now I'm  working from 10am to 10pm.
I'm not minding working here anymore. The 8 residents I'm taking care of are really special spirits in adult bodies.It's just like taking care of little kids. mind you it can be a little gross because the wheelchair guy you have to wipe his butt for him because he can't. Someone needs to do it. It just reminds me of the things I had to do to take care of you when you were little. 
The company I work for is called Witco and their mission statement is to provide as good of a quality of life to these special needs disabled adults. 
If you have thought about taking care of the special needs people, maybe you could think about getting your CNA license like Cindi did. It takes about months and you can get hired almost anywhere. It takes around 2 too 3 months to get your CNA. IT'S JUST A THOUGHT. 
Meanwhile, I could picture you doing what I am doing right now. The company is always looking for help because it takes special people to work with these guys, I think. All I can say is thank goodness for gloves and sanitizer. Lol.
The 57 year old woman I take care of is like a little 5 year old who doesn't know her colors. When she comes home from the community work center, she puts on her shorts, flippers, grabs her little mermaid Barbie doll and goes outside to swim in a little kid pool. At night before bed she comes and gives me a big hug and tells me she loves me. She loves to stand behind me and play with my hair when I am writing in the books. How could you not grow fond of her childlike innocence. 
When I am changing the wheelchair guy's shoes or helping him with other things, he'll pat my back and tell me he's okay, and he likes to giggle a lot and mimic me to try and tease me. 
I have truly been blessed to take care of them like I have been to take care of my own kids.
The other guys I am taking care of all have their unique qualities and they love helping me, when I ask: like taking out the trash and bringing me their laundry. (Not like when I ask John and Sabrina, lol, they think it's torture when I ask them to do anything.

Dad's basically going to be gone all month hunting. Right now he'll be gone for 12 days, come home and work for 4 days and then go back and hunt for another 12 days. He's so lucky. 
Sharon is looking at heading to BYUI next week.
I'm so excited for her. She still is looking at putting her mission papers back in around December. I'm praying that it works out that way for her.
Meanwhile, Bishop White's wife gave a talk on Sunday for Taylor Footed mission farewell. She'd talked about when she had went on her mission and how she felt it helped her to be a great mother and wife, as I feel your mission is going to for you. 
I'm so proud of you and I love you dearly.

Aug. 25th, 2014
This week was good! We had interviews with the mission president and we were able to meet with a lot of recent converts that have not been coming to church...we have been trying and trying to get a hold of them and then all of a sudden this week they were all able to meet with us! :) It was awesome! I know that we are given trials, so that we can grow.... and it's during those trials that I've learned to be grateful for them, even though it's not easy, but I know in the end it's always worth it! I pray a lot and I know that is making me closer and closer with my Heavenly Father. I love you all and thank you for your prayers! If you are going through a hard time, please! Pray and read your scriptures, that is always the solution! It works! I know that we can't go through these trials alone without help... and I know that prayer and scriptures are resources that we've been given! Not just during the bad times, but the good as well :) Love you all! Thank you for your love and support!


Sister Moore

Aug. 25th, 2014
Sharon's getting ready to go to BYUI on September 2nd. 
It's hunting time for Dad. I'll see about getting some pictures. Dad lost the flip video. Actually, Denette Eckhard did when dad handed it to her to take pictures while they went rafting. She's denying it, and who knows, with Dad's record, he could have thought he handed it to her but didn't. I do believe he handed it to her, though.

I learned a new recipe tho use with sliced roast or steaks. It is a can of diced tomatoes, 2 packets of brown gravy mix, and sauteed onions and mushrooms in butter. It is so good. I learned it where I am working because it was on the menu one night for me to make. 
I'll talk tho you later, alligator.

Aug. 18th, 2014
Here are some pics that Sister Ah Yen took of me :) Just in case you forgot what I looked like.

 This is the new sister we got by the way!!!!!! Her name is Sister Camargo and she is from Sao Paulo, Brazil :) She is super sweet and we are loving being in a trio!!
This is the 3rd time/4th if you count the MTC that I've been in a trio! Lol

Aug. 11th, 2014
This week we taught Jerry, he is some one that we knocked on his door and he answered!!! AND was super nice, he told us to come back and we did and we taught him the first lesson! :) So he is now a new investigator..... It was a good start to the week! We then were able to go see who we are trying to get to come to church, she is a member but her husband is not... she was married once before to a member and after the divorce had some not good experiences with members who treated her and her kids wrong.... When she was telling us this, the talk by Deiter F. Uchtdorf "Come, Join with us" came to mind......She had an Ipad so I asked if I could pull it up so she could watch it and she said yes! :) I love this talk so much! I feel the spirit so strongly every time I read it/watch it...

I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings. God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure. But He works through us—His imperfect children—and imperfect people make mistakes."

"I testify that here you will find the words of eternal life, the promise of blessed redemption, and the pathway to peace and happiness.
I earnestly pray that your own search for truth will impress upon your heart the desire to come and join with us. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen."
I don't want to give the impression that this week was....easy... It was hard! We knocked a lot, we saw a lot of people that weren't interested but it's because of that hard work we were able to see blessings....It was funny that our ward mission leader asked us if we could teach the Gospel Principles class because no one else was available to and he was going to be gone. So we had no other choice really... :P lol. We taught Lesson 27, Work and Personal Responsibility :) Being able to teach this lesson made me realize how grateful I am to have been raised to work hard.. It's funny because there's a section where it talks about enjoying work and having a good attitude about it, and I know that was definitely a struggle for me growing up, mom and dad can testify to this, lol. I feel like this is the key part to it all, is enjoying it. Or for me it is... Read this lesson in the Gospel principles manual if you have time! :) I would talk more about it but I don't have a lot of time to. .... Mainly because I want to talk about our biggest miracle that happened! Our investigator Charlie and her son Caden both have baptismal dates for September 6th! :) We are so excited!!!!! We will also be teaching Charlie and caden with an extra companion! We got transfer calls and found out that we are going to be put into a trio!!! I've been in 3 of them before so I feel like it's nothing new,lol. Love you all!!! I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us all and hears our prayers! So if anything know that all will be well, he has something great in store for you! and never give up :) 
Sister Moore
Aug. 4th, 2014
Wow! That is all I have to say is wow!.... There is so much that can happen in one week and did happen! This week we officially said goodbye and it was a bitter sweet goodbye, to our family of 7, who is moving to Texas, it was good that we were able to say our goodbyes and everything though! I know that I will see them again, and that eventually they will be members of the gospel. We also tried seeing our main investigator this week, but she was gone all this week. It was a good week all in all though!! :) I think it hit me as well when we were asked for this next district meeting what we would like to improve on and I had no idea.... I mean, I know I definitely have a lot of room for improvement, but I didn't know where to start... I said that I would pray about it, and it was the coolest thing! I had a direct answer to prayer in knowing that what I need to improve on at this time and the answer that I got was "hope".... I was kind of like what? Really? At first, but it became clear to me as I began to study it, that it was exactly what I needed to improve on. :) I'm so grateful for the true blessing of having the gospel in my life and being able to share it with others! An amazing awesome scripture references for "hope" is Ether 12:4 and then the some footnote references to that scripture is Alma 7:16 and Alma 22:16.... I also Read in the "True to the Faith" pamphlet, and then in Preach My Gospel it has a section on hope in the Christlike Attributes Chapter....... I have a whole different look and life from it... I feel like at least..... 
Anyways, here is a little something from the "True to the Faith" pamphlet :

When we have hope, we trust God’s promises. We have a quiet assurance that if we do “the works of righteousness,” we “shall receive [our] reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” (D&C 59:23). Mormon taught that such hope comes only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ: “What is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise” (Moroni 7:41).


Sister Moore

Speaking of hitting my 9 month mark, it has been a tradition of the Sisters in our mission who hit their 9 month mark to take a pregnant picture... as a joke,lol. So here are some pics!

July 21st, 2014
Well, this week was good. We had exchanges.... and it was a nice change to not have to be in charge and worry about it,lol. It went really good to, I went to Mint Canyon and met one of the Mint Canyon Sister Training Leader's members for dinner, who is an FBI agent (surprisingly I've met a lot of FBI agents on my mission,lol) I always mention the fact that my dad's a cop :P haha. Anyways dinner went good and I also met with a former investigator of theirs that they were deciding if they should stop meeting with and then I just felt that we needed to see where they were at by asking some questions and then, we set a baptismal date with them!!!! :) It was so awesome! This week we continued to meet with all of our investigators and none of them made it to church, so we will really have to teach them the importance of Sabbath Day Holy. Pray that it goes well, we will meet with Layla and her family (who are Muslim) and then William, rick, and Shiela, as well as one of our new investigators from this week Charlotte Martin.... We met with her by following up with a house that one of our members, Brother Leavitt, gave us to see who lived there now and to get the members who used to live there's address....It's funny because she actually had been praying the day before and was thinking about meeting with the missionaries, because of her mom and her 9 year old son.... Her mom was recently baptized and her son was going with her mom and really loves it, so she got curious but didn't know what to do, and then we showed up! It was so cool :) Moral of the story, give missionaries assignments/people to see and miracles happen :) Love you! Hope all is well with everyone!


Sister Moore
It got cloudy randomly!!!!!!! :) Lol, other than that it's been hot!

July 14th, 20014
I'm almost at my 9 month mark....... I'm freaking out! That means that this up coming July I will be done with my mission. I have already been here in Saugus with Sister Ah Yen for 2 weeks. When I came into this area there were no investigators at all.... So we have been doing a lot of knocking!!! Lol, It's been a 100 degrees or higher this whole week, so some days we just felt groggy and just drained from the sun, but we still stayed out and worked and didn't let the heat get to us ( we also made sure to drink and take 5 min breaks every once in a while to help us to not be zombies :P lol).... Right from the start Sister Ah Yen and I promised each other and Heavenly Father that we would lose ourselves in the work and do just that... work! We also made a goal to find a family who has been going through some hard times and was ready to receive the gospel. We prayed A LOT!! and fasted a lot, and after a week and a half of that Heavenly Father rewarded us for our hard work and obedience.....It was this last Thursday, when we have our weekly planning, that we had an appointment with the Maxwells, they hadn't been coming to church so we went and watched a Mormon message with them "Waiting on our road to Damascus" it went really well :) We then went home and got some cookies we had made and cut up some watermelon (remind me to tell you the story about where the watermelon came from,lol)... We took the cookies back to the family we had seen and took the watermelon to this older man nearby who recently lost his wife, he is not really interested in the church but we still try and stop by and see him when we can. Before we saw him we were walking in and his neighbor was outside so we started talking to him and he has a friend who lives in Parma!!! Can you believe it? So he of course had heard of Fruitland as well :P lol, I always get so excited when someone knows where Fruitland is, haha. He also told us how his son went on a mission to china for a couple months for his church. Well, we then went and took the watermelon finally and After we had dropped it off and said hello we were walking back and we ran into the son the father was talking about,lol. We said we would love to meet with him and talk about Jesus Christ and he said yes! We then got a call from our zone leaders and they gave us a referral from a girl,Cenza, in their ward who had a friend Layla, who was in our area, they said that Layla had recently talked with Cenza about religion and why bad things happen to good people? What happens after death? Layla and her family are Muslim, but her mom has cancer.... so we were on our way home and we realized that we happened to be on the street of that referral, so we stopped by and a boy answered the door and we asked for Layla, we told her that that Cenza had sent us and we started talking with her and asked if we could come in and teach her, we couldn't see the mom, but she was speaking in Muslim and was basically saying tell them that we are Muslim and to come back another time.... So, Layla asked us if we could come back another time and we were about to leave when Sister Ah Yen asked we could sing a song before we left so she said yes and invited us in! When we walked in we saw the whole family was in the living room and then sister ah yen doesn't like singing in front of other people so it was just me who sang,lol. I quickly thought of singing I am a Child of God.... When I was singing it was dead silent. I was nervous, but part way through singing, I felt that the spirit was taking over and I wasn't nervous anymore it felt so warm and peaceful singing to them and then I looked down and Layla was crying, and I looked over at Sister Ah Yen was crying as well.... It was such an amazing experience, when I was done the mom asked if we wanted water and the kids got us food and we stayed and talked about the gospel with them and then closed with a prayer... It was truly an amazing experience!!!! The total number of family members is 7 and the youngest one, Razzi, is sooo cute! He is 4 and was really talkative,lol. He showed me his spiderman notebook and right when I opened it a real life spider came out of it and it was huge!!!!! I screamed (of course) and the Razzi was like "Why are you so afraid of spiders?" lol, it was so funny afterwards, but in the moment I thought I was going to die! When we left there house we were like in shock of what had just happened, but basically we just got 6 new investigators, it was an answer to our prayers!..... Anyways, we had to go home after that and finally weekly plan,lol. This was not the end of our excitement for the week though... We had an appointment with an potential investigator, Christina, and she became an investigator.... and then we met with the boy who went on his mission,William, and his dad and mom joined in the lesson as well, and then they became new investigators! So to total up the investigators we got for the week, it was 10!! We are soo excited for the teaching pool we now have, especially since we didn't have any before! We know that there is still a lot of work ahead of us, but we know that it can be done :) Love you all and thank you for your prayers! I can't believe how much this mission means to me and I am so grateful to be out here... It's the best decision I made to come out here and I know that wouldn't have been possible without the love and support from all of you! SO.... Thank you :) 


Sister Moore

July 7th, 2014
My love and prayers go out to Paul and Renee and their family.... I am truly sad to hear about Michelle....I would like to share a story of an investigator who is in our area..... She recently was looking into the church and her husband had committed suicide, She is not a member but when she was told about priesthood blessings she agreed to get one. In the blessing it mentioned that the husband was now aware that what he did was wrong and that everything was okay, and that he will continue to be there for her and the family. This was just yesterday that I heard of her experience and for some reason it touched my heart and I felt the spirit so strongly. I hope this story is able to bring comfort, I know that now is the time to put full trust and faith in Christ and His Atonement; not only did he pay the price for our sins, but he made it possible to overcome the weakest and lowest moments in our lives. He Lives..... (Below you will find the words to the song "I Know that My Redeemer Lives")
  1. 1. I know that my Redeemer lives.
    What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
    He lives, he lives, who once was dead.
    He lives, my ever-living Head.
    He lives to bless me with his love.
    He lives to plead for me above.
    He lives my hungry soul to feed.
    He lives to bless in time of need.
  2. 2. He lives to grant me rich supply.
    He lives to guide me with his eye.
    He lives to comfort me when faint.
    He lives to hear my soul's complaint.
    He lives to silence all my fears.
    He lives to wipe away my tears.
    He lives to calm my troubled heart.
    He lives all blessings to impart.
Okay, So quick update with me..... I'm in Saugus 3rd (Ward) now, I'm back in a family ward, so it's a little bit of an adjustment. I love it already though!!!! My new companion's name is Sister Ah Yen, She is from American Samoa!!!!!! She is completely amazing and I love being companions with her already and it's only been a week. The area is a lot different then being down in Burbank and Northridge YSA (Young Single Adults)..... There are a lot of people out and about, so we get a lot more contacts. Being in Saugus now, it's definitely more of a family oriented place.... also, it's super HOT,lol....It got up to 110 and that's not even as hot as it's going to get I'm told. The members are awesome, It reminds me a lot of Fruitland....Everyone is super nice and fun..... I can definitely see a need for more member participation... but it's always like that. I know that I've realized how much I didn't help the missionaries out in inviting my friends to activities/church.... I just never realized that the missionaries are called to teach! I know that when I am off my mission and back home, I want to be a lot more involved than I was. I know that I'm truly thankful for the love and support that I have.. .I thank you all for it, It's something that not only has brought blessings to me and the work, but I can see the blessings in the lives of others as well. One of my favorite quotes is "When life is more than you can stand, Kneel."  


Sister Moore

This is my zone on the 4th of July :) We had a mini party after zone training meeting!

June 30th, 2014
Guess WHAT?!!!!!!!!!! I'm  being transferred :/ It's hard because it's only been 1 transfer since Sister Goettsche and I have been companions again! But I know that it's for a reason.... Especially since President talked with me a while ago and said he got specific revelation for me about a sister I am going to be with... I don't know who it is though. I was also released as a Sister Training Leader. So I will let you know next week who my new companion is and my new area!!!
(Now that was torture to have Sarah tell us she is being transferred and not to tell us where. LOL)

June 23rd, 2014
This week..... hmm, let's see.... We started off the week, by going to "The Rock" Which has a view of the Ocean.... Then we went to FHE at Bishop Patton's house and watched the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration movie and one of our investigator's, Leo who has a baptismal date for July 6th, came and he really liked it a lot!..... The spirit was so strong, and I hadn't seen it since it basically came out in 2005? I think, and so of course.... I cried. I just can't help but cry when it's Joseph's wife and mother, and Hyrums wife all standing at the fence saying goodbye for the last time.... and then I basically bawl when hyrum gets shot and joseph is crying because his brother was just killed right in front of him... I am basically crying just writing this.... If you, like me, haven't watched that movie in a while, please make time... I know that it is worth the time and come on, it's a movie... It's pretty easy to sit down and watch it :P hahah jk, but seriously! It's amazing!!! June 27th was the 170th anniversary of Joseph Smith's martyrdom....It is crazy to think about how much the church has grown since then... It just makes me think of the scripture Mathew 7:20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" ....I know that God is a full of love and truth and if He were standing right next to you, do you think that He would lie??? I know that He wouldn't.... I know that in that same moment if you were to ask Him yourself if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true? If Joseph Smith truly was a prophet called of God? If the Book of Mormon is the Word of God?..... whatever your question may be, I know that we have that same privelege now... to ask Him? Go to the source! We know that God is our loving Father in Heaven and we know that in John 16:23 it reads "....Whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my name, He will give it you." That's why we start out prayers with Dear Heavenly Father and end in the name of Jesus Christ... We don't just think that our Heavenly Father is listening.... We know it. So talk to Him, He wants to hear from you... Heavenly Father is going to give you something that you don't ask for either.. Mathew 7:7.....  I know with all my heart that our prayers are heard and answered... all we have to do, is desire to ask him with all the sincerety of our hearts... otherwise He's not going to answer something that you don't really want the answer to... I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to be a prophet in these Latter Days, to restore the Fullness of the Gospel..... Iknow the Book of Mormon is evidence of God's love for His children and testifies, as does the Bible, of Jesus Christ. I love this gospel and Iknow it's true. Thank you all for  your love and support..... I know that I can feel your love and your prayers and it's truly a blessing to be out here serving the Lord. 


Sister Sarah Louise

This week we also had interviews with the president and we were there to train all day..... we didn't get home till 11..... which is super, super late in missionary world. ;p We also, had a crazy week taking sisters to the office and having exchanges... We were still able to have an awesome week and find lots of people and we taught, Yoon, Liz, Pamela, and Leo! We are especially soo excited to go to the temple as a mission this week, on Wednesday.... we also have  transfer calls this Saturday :( pray that sister Goettsche and I will stay together at least one more transfer.

These are pics of me and sister Goettsche with a member, Tina Nielson, she is awesome! She's going to take us to the temple with the mission on Wednesday!

So we got a call from this Less active that we have been working with and he hadn't been able to meet with us in a long time.....Then he randomly called us up and asked us to help him with this dog who followed him home and he didn't have a car.... So he asked us for help, so we didn't know what else to do... we showed up and asked if we could share a video....a mormon message video "Sanctify Yourselves" I feel the spirit super strong every time I watch that.... He felt it too and we asked him to bless the sacrament and he said that he would! (Which he did) ..... well, when that was all said and done, the time came to take the dog, who we named sparky, to the pound....  :( So, here are some pics) lol 

June 2nd, 2014
So not only was this week awesome because I'm with Sister Goettsche, it was also My Birthday!!!! I'm 21..... weird. I can't believe that I'm finally of drinking age! :p haha jk. We are actually teaching someone who has a drinking problem and the hardest part about it is mainly because she doesn't realize that it has become a problem.... She knows how much we love her and I honestly really do, I love her soooo much! That's why I want her to see that she could control her own life and body... I know that it's hard to just stop drinking, so we are going to be teaching her more about the atonement and how she doesn't just have to stop on her own because she can have the help of the Savior :)

Back to my birthday, We went to the temple and it was so good!! Going to the temple is the best birthday present I could ever ask for.... I am also grateful all of the birthday wishes that I got! :P Haha, I would love to see pictures of the baby goats, when they come :) Hahaha, I love that John researched it on youtube and he is sleeping in the suburban....I love the soap!!!! WOW!!! That's soo good! You didn't tell me you were a professional! :) I'm excited to get that and the blanket you made! You are amazing. I definitely want to get better at being crafty... because I'm not :P lol I will keep Aunt Julie in my prayers for sure, let me know if she gets better, I hope she does. 


Sister Sarah Louise

June 2nd, 2014
Sooo, I can't believe that Sister Goettsche and I have already been together for 2 weeks now!

 We had a pretty good week, It was kind of overwhelming in all that we had to do and no time to do it...I think that's the most stressed I've felt yet on my mission... With that being said one of my favorite sayings that I've come to love and to understand is "If you're not stressed, you're dead." haha, Well, I thought it was funny :P I know that stress is just a natural part of missionary work and LIFE! I've been able to in the times that I do start to feel stressed.... just stop for a second, and take a breather, pray for help even. I know that Heavenly Father is already aware of how stressed  I was, but he's just waiting for me to ask for the help... I know that right after I prayed about just needing help and not knowing what to do, our District Leader called us and asked if he could help us out with our area... mainly just contacting the tons of referrals that we had... I know that that was such an answer to prayers... I know that it's not always going to be answered that quickly, but whatever we are going through or whatever you may need help with changing or overcoming, He will answer your prayer.... In due time, besides, He does know what's best for us, so why not wait with patience :P I know I definitely need to improve on that though, because sometimes I just want the answer now! :P lol. I've been working on how to love more, I feel like I'm getting better with feeling love for all of God's children all the time, but I'm not as good with showing it. 

I've been studying chapter 6 in developing Christlike attributes, I want to truly develop Charity, the pure love of Christ..... I just want others to truly know by what I do and say that I love them.... and sometimes you have to be the example and be brave to show that love for someone, as long as what you do or what you say is out of love, then it will be received well and come across how you intend it to.... That's something that I feel like I have learned and I know that not only will that help me with my companions out here on the mission, I know that it will be something that I will be to continue to use and develop with my future spouse and children... I wish everybody could just love each other sometimes, but then again if we didn't know what pain or sorrow or even anger felt like we wouldn't truly know what joy, happiness and love felt like. I love the scripture in 2 nephi 2:25 :) Love you all!!!! I'm grateful for the love that I have felt from each and every one of you! 


Sister Moore

May 25th, 2014
I just had to send a picture of this.
The sign on the truck reads, " If this flag offends you, I'll help you pack."

May 19th, 2014
This week we got transfer calls..... We get them every 6 weeks and I have been in this area for 3 months now... Sister Olsen will be getting transferred and I will be staying.... I will be honest I'm a little scared, because first of all, this will be the first area that I've stayed in for more than 3 months...second of all, this ward loves Sister Olsen soo much, her and Sister Kemp, the sister missionary that was here before me, did so much together and really gained a personal relationship with the ward. It was hard when I came right from the beginning and It's a lot better now, but it will be interesting what happens now that Sister Olsen is leaving... I know that even though I'm nervous and I don't know what's going to happen this next transfer, I just have to keep being me and stop worrying,lol. This week was also really good because we got to go to the temple..... I feel soo much peace and a closeness to God, I was able to pray about some things that have been on my mind and not only did they get answered, I was able to get a blessing a couple nights after going to the temple and it helped so much! I know that there were things that were said in the blessing that the Elder who gave it, had no way of possibly knowing to say those things. I was able to be comforted and reassured once again that priesthood blessings truly do come from Heavenly Father. Just even thinking about how much Heavenly Father loves me and ALL of His children, I feel like crying... Words can't describe how truly humbled and grateful for God's love and the plan of happiness that he has for us all. For the longest time, my favorite lesson to teach was the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it still is, I just never really fully understood the lesson of the Plan of Salvation, until lately and I know that's something that has changed my life and perspective... I feel like the only thing that I thought of when teaching the Plan of Salvation was that we lived with our Heavenly Father before and can live with Him again... I was sort of afraid to teach it even for fear of offending someone, if that makes sense.... I know now, that it's the most important lesson that a person will ever hear in their life. I encourage everyone to ask for a Plan of Salvation pamphlet from the missionaries and ask them to teach it to you... I know that God is our Father in Heaven, and He loves us so much!!!! I have a testimony of the Plan of Salvation and it has given me so much comfort and peace. I'm soo grateful for all of my many blessings and to have such a loving and supporting family. Thank you to everyone who have prayed in my behalf, your prayers have truly been a blessing to me and to those I am teaching... Love you all!!!!!! 

May 5th, 2014

May 2nd, 2014
The following poem was written for me, Carol Louise, from my daughter, Sarah Louise Moore. I wanted to share this with all the other mothers around the world. Happy Mother's Day!

For God So Loved the World That He Sent Us Mothers
In the beginning there was man,
But something seemed to be missing.
God thought it over and reviewed the plan,
And came up with the perfect blessing.
He knew that man would have a hard life.
So God created for man a loving wife.
God then commanded both man and wife to replenish,
But still the plan was not quite yet finished.
He needed a safe place for His children to grow,
For the delicate process was beautiful but slow.
He looked at the woman and knew just what to do,
And right at that moment the woman knew too.
What better place for a child so precious and small,
To grow inside a woman. Is it a wonder at all?
For God so loved us all and as He sent us here to earth,
He gave us all our mothers, to nurture us at birth.
That love will never stop, it’s a part of a mother’s design,

To love God’s children as He would, till the end of time.

April 28th, 2014
To start off for this week, it was Easter!!!! :) I got to sing in sacrament with Michelle Barlow, a YSA member of the ward, we sang I Believe in Christ and it was really nice to be able to sing a duet again, it's been a while.... I didn't realize how much I missed singing harmony! Speaking of music, in this zone we have a group of us that love music and want to start a missionary acapella group on Mondays, just getting together for a little bit and singing basically..... so we will see how it works out! lol, Mondays are always crazy! Anyways, back to Easter sunday..... Our performance went really well, and the spirit was super strong :) We then had exchanges this week, exchanges are when we switch for 24 hours basically.... but only Sister Training Leaders can do exchanges, otherwise missionaries would be switching and hanging out with each other all the time.... We also have to prepare a training for whoever we go with, I stayed and got to drive on exchanges last week, and that was weird because I felt like I hadn't drove in forever...which, I hadn't,lol. This week I went with Sister Marsh and Sister Olsen stayed with Sister Cameron..... I love Sister Marsh!! She is hilarious! It was nice as well, because she really opened up with me about how  things were hard for her... and I was able to give her advice and really just love her and show her I care.. and that to me is my purpose as a Sister Training Leader and as a "Sister" in general... I know that's Christ's earthly ministry was just that, a ministry. He ministered to the sick and afflicted and he was the perfect example of how to love one another, not just by word but by deed. I'm soo happy to hear that the missionaries are being fed.... I know that it's such a blessing for me to be fed by the members. I will be honest, I'm a little jealous that they got to eat elk roast, ham, salad, olives, etc. I miss those sunday meals!!!! I hope they appreciated it for me ;) haha. I am glad to hear that all is going well and something that I was studying this week is the learning to recognize and rely on the spirit..... The power of the Holy Ghost is something that we can all feel, but the gift of the Holy Ghost is something that only members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have..... We have the promise every week to have His spirit to be with us, the companionship of the Holy ghost is something that I don't think I ever realized how amazing it is that we have the opportunity to be guided by the spirit every day!!! I would always try and pray to have the spirit, but I never did anything about it really.... I am learning to recognize the spirit more and more, but I'm still learning to completely rely on the spirit!! I encourage you to pray for the opportunity to be guided by the spirit, both members and non members, and I can promise you that through your faith, your prayer will be answered! :)

April 14th, 2014
So, I will be honest... These past weeks were really hard, for a lot of reasons, but I knew that I needed to talk to President Hall. I knew I needed to talk to him, but I just kept putting it off, and when I finally met with him it was an answer to my prayers and a much needed visit... He helped me to understand and feel the Atonement more than I can explain in words...I can testify with all my heart that I know the Atonement is real and meant to heal and lighten our burdens! I'm sooo grateful for my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, he means soo much to me and I have felt of His love. This is not to say that I didn't know and feel of His love for me before, I just have more of an understanding now. The same can go for all of us, if we repent, and submit our will to the Lord... For the longest time I was afraid to "submit" just because I felt like it was asking way too much, but I have learned that it's not something to be afraid of because in turn Heavenly Father promises us soo many blessings and true happiness. I have been working hard and doing what I'm supposed to be doing, but that hasn't been enough.... I feel now more than ever that I am truly losing myself in this work, and I love it!! 

Thank you all for your much needed prayers. Some names that you could pray for are Daisy, Tourie, Ron, and Ronald......Those are some of our Investigators :) In preach my gospel, I have learned by studying Chapter 3 Lesson 1 The Restoration, your understanding of the doctrine of this gospel will increase soo much more! :) 


Sister Moore

April 7th, 2014
Hey ya'll sooo I'm not being transferred, but today Sister Olsen and I were asked to help out with the new sister missionaries coming in for this next transfer, which there are only 3 sisters coming in..... and that's crazy because I came with like 23 other missionaries and the transfer before me was 50 missionaries... Anyways the point of me saying that is because I didn't have a preparation day today really, so tomorrow we were given permission to get everything we need done... like emailing sooo talk to you tomorrow!

March 31, 2014
I truly can't believe it has almost been 6 months! That's 1/3 of my mission! So insane! I know that my love and testimony continues to grow each week that I'm out here! So I don't even know what it is going to be like at the end of my mission. I'm sure you have heard that there was another EARTHQUAKE! This time it was a 5.9... I think? Either way, I have experienced 2 earthquakes in the last 2 weeks! I'm kind of worried a little to be honest, they have really been pushing us having emergency bags by our bed ready as well as hard soled shoes... I enjoyed the little baby earthquakes, but the bigger ones scare me! They really make sure we are prepared though, so if anything happens we know what to do, so don't worry at all! 

We are both finally done being sick, so this week was good! It was nice to be able to go out and work! I love being a Sister Training Leader so much, it has truly been a blessing for me and has helped me grow soo much, which is not what I was expecting... I thought that I would just be focusing on the sisters but in the mean time, I was able to grow! I am soo grateful to be with Sister Olsen, she is a hard worker, and gets along great with everyone.... She has definitely taught me soo much! I am truly grateful to be in YSA as well and I have come to grow close to this ward and the work in YSA already!  

I have learned lately that the more I focus on others and serve them, I forget about me and I truly come to love them! :) I have felt the love of my savior and I know that despite everything, He loves me! I know it! and I know that I am truly grateful to you all for putting up with me and my imperfections through out  these years! Thank you all for your examples to me! 


Sister Moore

March 24, 2014
Okay, so first of all it's almost April and that means that I've been out for 6 months which also means that I'm 1/3 of the way done with my mission!!!! I can't believe it! The time has truly flown by already, If I could be out on my mission for forever..... I would, but the saying goes time is money.....speaking of which I truly am grateful and humbled to know that I'm being supported, I will never forget that every day that I'm out here is being paid for, I know that I could have and should have done a lot more to save for a mission, so that I'm truly sorry for....but in a way it has helped me to work hard! Anyways, the point of all of that is that I really am grateful and appreciative to everyone who has helped me to get out on a mission and continue to be on one! This week was not that productive sadly, Sister Olsen has been pretty sick the whole week and then I got sick yesterday but not nearly as bad as Sister Olsen..... That's one thing that is truly hard as a missionary.... is being sick. It's hard to be able to tell your self okay just take it easy and rest... because we have the mentality of WORK, WORK, WORK drilled into us! I have really been feeling exhausted now that I am sick though, and I want to go out and work, but I've had to just get rested as of late... but this next week we are both motivated and determined to have a GREAT week, we have to.... or we might go mental! haha, We did meet again with Tourie and the lesson went super well!! It was not at all what we had planned but that's okay because once again the lesson was led by the spirit! We mainly were planning on asking her to be baptized, but it didn't feel right, we  really taught her about Jesus Christ, since she knew nothing really, she had always heard the stories from her dad who is Christian but he was too overbearing with her, and she never really was interested in learning about Him, it was amazing to see what the spirit can do, her heart was completely softened as we taught her the atonement and how Christ died for us so that we could all live again with our Heavenly Father... This really hit home for her... her grandma recently died and she was really close to her... I feel like this is the first time I've seen someone be changed by the message of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, who bled and died for us and performed the greatest of all sacrifices ever known to mankind....the atonement. I have heard missionaries talk about seeing someone change, literally in their physical countenance and now I feel like I've finally been able to truly see that change....It reminds me of a quote from Ezra Taft Benson "The Lord works from the inside out... The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature." I've not only seen this to be true by teaching Tourie, but I've seen it in myself...... I have truly seen myself truly love others because I am trying to love them the way Christ would... Try it. Work on any one thing the savior did and I can promise you that you will see a change in yourself, in the way you think and the way you act.... It's not a bad thing to change, especially when you are changing yourself for the better! I want to share another quote "True doctrine understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior." Boyd K. Packer.  If you do not feel like you have improved or know for yourself that the gospel is's because you do not understand the doctrine! It's as simple as that. I hope that doesn't come across harsh at all because it is simply fact. I know! For myself, that truly understanding the doctrine will improve your attitude and behavior.

 A simple doctrine to start with is that God is our Loving Heavenly Father.... study it out, pray to know for yourself! See what you think then ask the missionaries to teach you the Restoration of the Gospel! The message is either true...or it is not. When you truly desire to know, God will answer you. I love that in Moroni 10:4 "......I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost." Wait...what?! Moroni asks us to ask God if these things are NOT true.... I know that he says this because either way, if you ask if it is true or not true, you will get an answer. I don't want you all to think that my mission has been rainbows and butterflies... It's hard, I know that I have truly got the most out of it and had such great experiences, because I have only looked at the good and not focused on the bad. I know that the saying " I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." It's so true! It's not always easy but in the end it will truly be worth it! I love you all! Thank you again for your love, support, and prayers! 


Sister Sarah louise
March 17, 2014
As far as our area, we had a slow week, but we got 2 new investigators who are solid!!! Especially with this referral we got whose name is Tourie.... We showed up and there four doors to choose from, because there wasn't a specific door number that we got and so we just picked one and the very first door was hers!!! We just started talking getting to know her and come to find out that she's been meeting with the missionaries for a total of 3 years now!!! We asked what it was that was holding her back and she said that she just didn't believe in the Bible and God for that matter. From that moment on the spirit took over like nothing I've ever felt, it slowly built up more and more until we just asked her if she would give the closing prayer and she said she didn't like giving prayers in front of other people, but we did not give up!! We asked her how she prayed, because she said that she did every now and again, but felt that no one was there really listening..... We showed her the How you can know in the back of the pamphlet and explained to her exactly how we pray and why! We knew she didn't feel comfortable but we just asked her to know if God was there, if he loved her, and anything else that she wanted to pray for! We finally got her to agree and as she started to pray.... I prayed with all my heart that she would feel the spirit.... When she closed she was crying!! and it was cute because she looked at us and was like "Guys, I'm crying!! Is this normal???" and we were like "YES!!!!!" We told that was the spirit and told her that she just felt the love of her Heavenly Father! She had to go, but we are meeting her today and feel good about asking her to be baptized!! I'm so humbled and grateful for this amazing miracle!! It was truly amazing to be a part of that moment and I know without a doubt that God is our Father in Heaven and really does LOVE us Soooo much! I am grateful for that knowledge and that I have this opportunity to share that with others! 

Love you all, 

Sister Moore

We email at the apple store and sister Olsen showed me how to take pics from the laptop and all of the effects.... As you can see we had fun with it :P 

March 10, 2014
A Sister training leader is like a zone leader, who is in charge of the sisters in the area you are assigned and does exchanges (splits) with them, etc. It's awesome I love it! I'm not on bike anymore.... I miss it though. I am getting bad with writing in my journal because I've been really tired and exhausted, but I will get better! Thank you all for replying, I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything... I was just worried. I love you! and know that through the scriptures, you can receive the strength that you need!


Sister Moore


Pictures taken in Burbank.

March 3rd, 2014
Hey! So I hope everything is alright, it's been 3 weeks since I've heard anything from anyone.... so I'm getting a little worried now. I got transferred to Northridge YSA and I'm now a Sister Training Leader..... I'm with Sister Olsen...I'm sorry this is so short, today has been really crazy busy and I will tell you all about what's been going on next week! Just know that I love and appreciate you all so much! 


Sister Moore

February 3rd, 2014
Hello Everyone! :)
This week was Zone Conference Week and once again, I loved it soo much! It starts at 9 and ends at 5 but it is all so great and you learn soo much that you don't even notice.... I did get a little sleepy towards the end,lol.... but the rest of the time I was wide awake!! We are focusing on 5 main things for this next year in the San Fernando Mission....
1. Treasure up doctrine
2. Dominate Chapter 8
3. Talk with everyone
4. Teach doctrine simply
5. Boldly invite
These 5 things are soo inspired! I know that they are because I've already seen definite miracles!! Plus, I'm already loving this ward soo much, they haven't seen a lot of baptisms or been very missionary minded in the past, but they really have changed for the better and are really trying to hasten the work as members! I feel a lot more tired  being on a bike and trying to talk to everyone one.... It's definitely taking it's toll a little on my body, but It's definitely a good feeling as well to know that we are working hard and doing our best!! Okay, and funny story, we were going to see a part member family and we walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell and this dog starts going crazy at the door and barked soo loud that it made me jump,lol.... we waited a little while and then we could here Ellie (the less-active member) trying to keep the dogs back and open the door for us.... as soon as she opens the door, this huge dog jumps out, pushes through the screen door and it all happened soo fast that I seriously thought I was going to die..... before I know it I had jumped back and put Sister Goettsche in front of me, with her back faced towards the dog and her arms criss-crossed in front of her, in like a R.I.P. position....... and then the dog just ended up being really friendly,lol.... but it was soo funny because we both thought we were going to die and then I felt bad that I had basically used her as a human shield,lol... oops, but,  I told her the next time we get attacked by a dog, I will jump in front,lol. Hahahaha, Oh goodness, I guess you just had to be there but it was such a funny/scary experience...... Fun fact about Sister Goetsche she is a really good dancer and got into the Dance Major at BYU right before her mission, but decided to come out on her mission instead of accepting the major.... She also loves the show So You Think You Can Dance and wants to audition for it and so I'm helping her stay in dancing shape so that she will be good to go after her mission and then when she is on the show she said she would give me a backstage passes,lol. So now I basically got the hook ups to go to the show and be back stage!! So I'm pretty excited :P haha. Anyways, the work is great and I'm loving being a missionary and to feel my testimony grow more and more on the truthfulness of the Gospel. Love you all! Let me know how you are doing!!!!! :)
Sister Sarah Louise

January 27th, 2014
I am also sad to hear that you didn't get the permanent position, because if there's anyone who deserves it.... it's you. I  will keep you in my prayers and pray that you get another good position, as well as Sharon especially. Mom, you don't know how much it touched my heart to see to see how positive you are being about it all, and that you are making soaps, lol. I think the chocolate peppermint sounds the best! :) the scriptures are so powerful!!! That's so great that John is reading them out loud every morning, and that you all have been benefiting from them :P I have been loving it here in Burbank and I know that even though it feels really hard to be soo far away from all of you, especially now.. This is where I'm meant to be.... In Alma 37:5 it says "And now my son/daughter, Shiblon (Carol, Kay, Sharon, John, Sabrina, Stacey, Shelly, anyone), I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day."  Thank you soo much for getting the down east undershirts to me, I wasn't expecting it so quickly!! Be sure to thank Aunt Lori and Uncle Weston for me.... those shirts are sooo nice and much appreciated and I can wear them with anything so they are very useful! Love you all soooooo much!!!! I'm not deserving of how great of a family I truly have, but I want you to know how much I appreciate each and every one of you.

Sister Sarah Louise Moore

P.S. I've attached more pictures.

January 21st, 2014
Okay my new address is:
1313 N. Edison Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
I have a bike that my new ward (Burbank 2nd) has given me temporarily, but I'm hoping that I could by one for cheap, so yes..... I need money, but I think I should be good for a while.....I didn't want to have to be on a bike ever, and I was just thinking, a week before transfers, that I didn't want to be on bike ever, because I didn't have any money to really get one and then right after that I found out that I was going to be in a bike area!!!! Haha, It's almost like Heavenly Father knew my thoughts or something..... :P Weird right?!! I love bike sooooooo much though!! There are sooo many people everywhere in Burbank! It is so different than Valencia, I was really sad to leave Valencia, I felt like I wasn't there long enough a little, and then I was soo scared because I didn't know who my new companion was going to be or where I was going to go and I even let myself think that I was being transferred because I didn't do good enough in Valencia......but I soon came to realize through prayer and a priesthood blessing that everything was going to be just fine and I felt soo comforted and loved by Heavenly Father even more so that all of those feelings and thoughts disappeared and I knew that it would be alright! Sister Goetsche is such a great companion! It has only been one week but it feels like we have been companions for forever, in a good way, we both just feel so alike and soo in unity already! and that's amazing to see after just one week!! When we are street contacting, if one of us is thinking what we should say next, the other one says it, and that has been a testimony to me that the spirit is with us and knows what each person needs to hear. I have been soo grateful to have come into such a great area, companion, and ward. I feel truly blessed and humbled to know that the Lord knew that this is what I needed. I was worried to come into a bike area, mainly because I don't have that much money on my home card, and it's a miracle that my family is even able to support me on my mission even, so I didn't want to have to ask them for even more money, and right when I showed up in this ward they gave us both bikes and I was amazed that God would be so merciful unto me, even though I didn't have the faith that things would work out. It made me realize even more that even though I'm here to serve God's children and invite them to come unto Christ and receive this gospel...... He is still mindful to my thoughts and prayers and my needs...... My heart is truly filled with gratitude and love. It is my goal, to truly put aside my worries and my selfishness and lose myself in this work...... I don't know why but I've really been having a hard time going to bed on time and waking up on time, and I know that is something that I know if I work on and get better at, I will see even more miracles than the ones God has already granted unto me.
Sorry, I had to hurry and send that email because I am now using the email at a library and it has timed sessions..... It's weird though, Valencia would let us use their family history center, but Burbank won't.... so we go to the library! Lol, this library is huge though! So there are lots of computers for our families to use!! Anyways..... I forgot my camera, or I would have sent you pictures of what she looks like and what my area now looks like! My new apartment is sooooo cute!! It looks like a house basically but 3 separate apartments! It's blue as well, so that's another reason I love it soo much! Sister Goetsche (pronounced Getchy) had only been in Burbank 2nd for 1 transfer and was in a car area, and found out at tranfers that she was going to be in a bike area. So that was surprising to her,lol. our area is pretty small though, and is flat, but it is nice for biking. It has been soo great coming into another great ward, they are doing this 40 day fast where everyday they have a different member family fast for the missionaries or a missionary opportunity! Isn't that such a great Idea! at first when she told me that I thought she was saying that each member was fasting for 40 days and I was like woooowww, this ward is dedicated! haha, but they definitely aren't doing that,lol. It is not as hard as I thought it was going to be, I didn't have knee length leggings, so I got a pair of those and also a helmet.... the leggings help just because it's too hard to try and keep your skirt down....  and with long skirts it's hard because I just wore a longer one and it got tangled up in the bike gear thing, and got all dirty.... so I learned to pull the longer skirts up a little so it won't get caught! I have been wanting to read more in the Bible and trying to find everything that we do and teach and looking for it in the Bible!! and all of the things like pre-earthlife, praying, the urim and thummim, etc. It has been such a testimony builder to me, and I know more and more, without a doubt that this gospel is true!! I love you all soo much and I hope that all is going well with you all!

January 13th, 2014
 I found out on saturday that I'm going to be tranferred!!!!!!!!!!!! to a bike area!! I don't have a bike but I think Sister Allmendinger left her bike, so I'm hoping I could get it from her for cheap or for free hopefully, because I don't have a lot of money left on my zionsbank card. I have been reallyyyy sad to leave this area, and my companions, I know that It's God's will that I go to a different area, but I know that I will never forget Valencia!! and I'm for sure going to be coming back! Dad got another hound dog huh?? I knew he would never last :P lol.... I love the Crookston's!!!! They are soooo nice :) I'm glad you got pictures from her as well!! I'm sooo sorry that I am keeping this email short, but I want you to know that I love you all soo much and I'm thinking and praying for you often!! I will send you some pictures of the past few weeks and what my area looks like :)

January 13th, 2014
Today at church we found out that your daughter was going to be transferred to a new area.  She will be missed by our ward and loved by her new ward.  I want you to know that your daughter is a credit to your family and we have really loved having her in our ward.  I have not been at all concerned about introducing her to any of our friends and neighbors.  We have so loved having her in our home.  I want you to know that your family is always welcome here if you come to California, and I hope you do come some time.  I really do love Sister Moore.  Thanks for sharing her and for your sacrifice.

These are a few pictures of the Sisters making gingerbread houses out of crackers, and the Sisters joining us in a silly game of bagel hockey puck soccer.  It was boys against girls and we used a bagel that had been dried out to be hard and we kick it around like a soccer ball and try to score goals.  The game is over when there isn't much left of the bagel.  The sisters were good sports to play with us.


Sister Kymmer Crookston
24225 Lema Dr. 
Valencia, CA  91355  (This is so you will come and visit when you come to California)

P-day with the Crookston's
A few weeks ago the Sister missionaries went with us on a hike on their P-day.  Here are some pictures of that day.

January 6th, 2014
You got a new camera?!! Well.... It's about time!! :P I would love to see pictures!!!!! Dad gave Sabrina $20??? Is he feeling okay?? :P hahahahaha jk. I'm glad that she had such a good birthday! Sounds like she got a lot of good stuff!! :) I sent her a letter and a package to all of youl that has the picture of Buddy that a member drew (that I talked about) as well as some place mats that I sewed, some grass (to brag about how green it is here :P), a picture of Sister Hoffmann and I with Jo, one of our investigators! and a phone case for Sabrina that I got from a member but I'm not really going to use it and so I thought she could have it! It's from New Zeal-and, and I thought that was soooo cool, so I hope she likes it! I never got a package from the Schulthies's, but I got a card? and I think everything else came! :) Everything was sooo much appreciated!! Yes!!! I feel like John gets left out, when it comes to clothes, so that's good that you got  him some :) I can't believe his birthday is coming up and he's going to be 16!!!!!!!! That's sooo crazy! Lol, I'm glad you had a good New Year's Eve/day!!! Sounds like you all had a good time together and that makes me happy! Even though you want to show me a picture of all the food I missed out on :P How rude! hehe jk, For New Years, Sister Hoffmann Got some Martinelli's sparkling cider from her family, and she shared it with us and we drank it at 10:00 p.m. and stayed up a little late just talking and having fun :) not that late though, because we knew we had to wake up early and would regret staying up much longer!!  Church starts at 9:00 a.m. for me now, we used to be 1:00 p.m. and I liked that better because we could get our studies in before church, and that was nice! Sunday's have been pretty Crazy with all of us, we go to our ward then to Sister Reese's ward and all in all, that's 6 hrs of church not to mention meetings before church starts!......needless to say, by the end of the day we are all tuckered out! That's good that you are changing your attitude towards church choir, that's where it starts! I had a good week this week, but it's sad the closer it gets to transfers because I don't want to leave..... :( I have just gotten used to this area and the people and I'm really not sure if I'm going to be transferred. I have a feeling I might, but I hope not!!! I was wondering if you could get me a white Modbe undershirt, that's short sleeve. I've been really wanting one of those, if that's alright... I love you sooo much and thank you for all that you have done for me and continue to do for me!!! Words really can not express my sincere appreciation for you!! Love youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Sarah Louise
P.S. My favorite scripture for this week that I memorized is Alma 34:8-9!! and 10!! It's sooo good, please take time to read it!!

December 30th, 2013
It was sooo great to see all of you !!! When I called you guys, we were running really behind, so sorry that you had to wait! It was so weird when I was calling our home phone number, I felt like I hadn't seen that number in a super long time, but it's only been 3 months,lol. When you answered the phone, I remember I said my first name, because I wasn't sure if you would know who was calling, hahaha, I realized that I was around members when I said that, and corrected myself quickly because it was weird to say my first name around them, lol. I can still picture your smiling face, you were soo funny, the more I talked the more you smiled, it's like you hadn't seen me in 3 months or something ;) I'm soo happy to have such a supportive and proud Momma! and I hope you know that I truly love you and am grateful for you! It's been amazing to be a missionary!! I have seen myself grow more and more..... the more I convert others to the gospel, I have been even more converted to this gospel!! The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth for these latter days! and I get to be be out here and teach just that! How great is it? That we both get to be a part of the hastening of the work! I am learning more and more that the Book of Mormon is a tool that has been given to us specifically in these latter days and is essential to conversion! The conversion of others and the conversion of myself...... I remember reading the Book of Mormon with family, Young Women, seminary, and on my own..... but something that I've realized is I've been reading it all these years, but I never was reading it in the perspective of applying each scripture to me and the people I'm teaching! This week we had a good week, it was a little hard because of the holidays, but I'm grateful for the members who took care of us and made sure that we had a place to go on Christmas! The Lord knows the thoughts and desires of our heart and that's especially true as a missionary, it seems like when we are in need of something, a member gives it to us at dinner, or they call us and ask if they can drop some stuff off!! It truly is amazing, and I hope that I can one day be a blessing and a miracle to the missionaries, at least half as much as these members have been! I hope you all had a great Christmas, I didn't get to hear much about what everyone got and how your day was, so be sure to let me know!! :) Love you!!!

December 23rd, 2013
                                                MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

Okay the address is all correct except for the zip code is 91355..... but Aunt Susan and Uncle Chris's package got to me, it looked like the ups changed the zip code for them though, so hopefully the rest of them get to me!!!! Either way, thank you sooo much for sending me a package!!! :) and what?? The laptop having to be repaired??!! That's unusual......:P Not! lol, Okay so, sorry for not letting you know last Monday, but I get to Skype on Christmas Day!!!!! How it's going to work is I get to go to a member's home and use their computer, the people we have it worked out with is the Tengberg's and we are actually having dinner with them as well :) We are planning on being at their house at 5:00 p.m my time, and I'm one hour ahead of you........I think? and they said that we can call first before we get on Skype, just to tell you that you can now get on Skype!! So that's nice :)  I really hope that all of you can be there at the same time and honestly the more people the merrier!! So Again that's Skype @ 5:00 p.m. my time and 4:00 p.m. your time, I will call you though.... I'm soooooooooooooooo excited to talk to you all, it's going to be soo surreal! But I can't wait!!!
I got everyone's letter from thanksgiving, it was in our mailbox at the apartment and we hadn't checked it in a long time because we were used to getting letters from the office and then the zone leaders would bring us the mail, but we checked it just this last week and there was like 2 or 3 letters in there for sorry I haven't mailed a letter back yet, but I did get it!! and loved it!!! It was soo great to read everyone's message to me :) It made me sooo happy and grateful to have such a great family!
I'm already out of time sorry.... I have soo much to tell you!!! We were running behind because I am now in a trio!!! It's Sister Hoffmann, Sister Reese, and I!! Sister Reese's companion was Sister Allmendinger, my mtc companion, who went home because of sickness! It was sad to see her go..... 

We've been sharing a spiritual thought from Luke 2:9-11 and then we talk about how instead of thinking of ourselves as the shepherds seeking out Christ... to think of ourselves as the angels bringing tidings of good Joy!

Love you and I can't wait to talk to you all!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Sarah Louise

December 16th, 2013
(So Sharon's leaving on February 19th!!!! :) That'll be here quicker than you know it, so have a great Christmas with her and help her to stay on track with preparing to go on a mission! :) This week was sooo great! Kind of a lot crazy! But still GREAT!!! We had zone conference on Tuesday, it's an all day meeting where all the English speaking missionaries in the mission meet together.... And! Guess what?! They asked me to sing! :) I sang Silent Night With Sister Williams who has a good voice but it still wasn't the same harmonizing with her compared to Sharon and I harmonizing, I have realized more and more, how it's truly special that our voices blend together so well! I miss it, and I know that it  will be a while before we will be able to sing together again, but I look forward to the day we do! Our performance went well though and we got compliments from other missionaries! 
Saturday and Sunday we had a Stake Christmas Musical, that we had been looking forward to for quite sometime now!!! Sister Hoffmann was even having dreams about it, hahah! We spent WednesdayThursday, and Friday inviting anyone and everyone to it because we kept on hearing how awesome it was and how great of a missionary opportunity it was going to be and let me tell you....... It was amazing!!! It's definitely something that I want to go back and see after my mission!! All the missionaries in our zone got to be ushers for it as well!! The director and composer is Richard Rich, he did the songs on the Swan Princess, the music on all the cartoon Book of Mormon videos, etc. Kirby Heyborne was the narrator and they had a full orchestra and choir to boot!! It was basically just a Christmas story program, I loved when the little kids would come and sing with the choir!! It was really just amazing! I wish I could have recorded it for you but we weren't allowed to!! :/ I felt the spirit soo strongly during the program, and my appreciation for the Savior Jesus Christ increased soo much more, I can barely contain inside of me the true love that I have for Him, my heart is so filled with love for the Savior and for his children, I know that that same love that He has for me... he has for all of his children, and who am I to love anyone any less than He would....Especially! as a representative of Jesus Christ for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I will be honest, I'm still not perfect at having true love for everyone at all times, Satan has a lot more power than I give him credit, but he will never be able to shake my testimony of Jesus Christ and this Gospel! I read Luke 2 for personal study (I can't remember which day) and instead of thinking of ourselves as the shepherds seeking out Jesus Christ, we need to think of ourselves as the angel who brought tidings of good joy!!! I love you and everyone soo much!! I hope you are all doing well and really taking time to think about the true meaning of Christmas!!
Yours Truly,
Sister Sarah Louise

December 9th, 2013
This week we went to see Billy because we both knew that he was ready and felt like we should ask him, we talked for a while, and I finally just read a scripture in 2 Nephi Chapter 31 vs. 5 and 10 and asked him if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God? and.........He Said YES!!!! I was soooo happy and thankful for him and his example to me, he's been through soooo much in his life, but still he found the gospel on his own! :) I love this gospel soo much and I'm grateful to have this opportunity to be out on a mission and share it with people like Billy and all who are ready to receive it.
Love you soooo much and send me pics of the snow!!!! I miss it, haha.
Sister Sarah Louise Moore 

December 2nd, 2013
OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYY GOODNESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! No way?!!!That's so awesome! I was hoping that she would be near me, and even prayed that she would be! Lol :P and she is!!! Could you email the video to me??! I think I should be able to watch it.... By the way, I had a great Thanksgiving!! We were fed super well, that's for sure! My companion and I have started running in the mornings because we've been getting fed a little too well,lol. I am determined to stay in shape, I don't want to come home looking like a completely different person!! Let me know if I start looking different in my pictures,lol. Shopping sounds like it went well then, if you stayed that late :P lol, Oooh could I have a hot pad? They sound super cute :P I would like to see pics of them as well! Overall, Thanksgiving was fun, we sang after dinner, and then had dessert and played games. We were having soo much fun till we looked at the time and realized we needed to go,lol. We didn't know if we were supposed to leave a thought with them or not since they had friends and family we didn't, and it was super weird. Dad emailed me and I just emailed him back, it's weird to think that he's soo close yet soo far away!! Crazy! I just read my patriarchal blessing and it was really neat!! It talks sooo much about my mission and the people I've met, and I never saw it there before! I truly am grateful for your testimony Mom, because of yours I've been able to grow mine, and It continues to grow every day that I'm out here! Our testimonies are spiritual plants that need cared for and nurtured every day, without water of life and the "Son", it would wilt away into nothing. Alma 32: 37 " And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up and bring forth fruit unto us. And now behold, if ye nourish it with much care it will get root, and grow up, and bring forth fruit." I love that scripture! The whole chapter is good actually,lol. I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I will nourish and care for it, The light "sun" of Christ is what helped me to grow in the first place, and I know without him, I would wither away and die. The Lord is my light!! This week we got a referral from church headquarters, his name is Billy and he got on and requested a Bible, he didn't grow up religious at all, so he doesn't know how to pray....... But he's soo ready and willing to learn, and that's exactly what we needed because it started to feel like we were teaching all these people and having great miracles, but not seeing further results from those miracles. It just started to feel discouraging, and I know that it's not all about the results. I may go my whole mission and only plant seeds, but I realize now that it's not going to be easy planting those seeds, it's just as important, but sometimes you want to see the results. I love reading the story of Abinidi when I start to feel this way, because he probably thought that he failed, but Alma was one of the few that heard his message and baptized many!! :) Anyways I've got to go, but I will let you know more about Billy and how it goes with him! :)
Love youuuuuuuuuu!!!! Sooo much!
Sister Sarah Louise
P.S. Oh watch the video on Mormon messages called
 Daily Bread: Pattern :) It's good!

November 29th, 2013
On Friday, November 29th, we finally received Sharon's mission call. You would never guess where either. I will be posting the video of her opening her mission call, hopefully tonight. So, we know that you are on your mission right now in San Fernando, California. Well, Sharon's mission call is just an hour and a half away in Redlands, California. Now how cool is that.
We are so blessed to have not one but two missionaries from our home.
I could just burst with pride.
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We went to Aunt Kim's house for our Thanksgiving. We got home around 11 o'clock that night and I turned around and headed to Walmart for some cool Christmas shopping savings. I ended up doing my Christmas shopping till 3 in the morning, when I needed to be sleeping because I had to be to work at 6 in the morning.
I am basically done with my Christmas shopping. I just have hotpads to make for everyone for Christmas. I started out by making 12 hotpads for my work's Christmas Bazaar to raise money for the Oregon Food Bank. They are quite cute, if I say so myself. In fact, they are down right adorable. Maybe I'll take a picture and show them off to you.
Dad is officially in Las Angelos right now to be a Mentor at a Dare Training for the next two weeks. Dad got there early Sunday Morning.
Now, I want you to know how proud I am of you and how much I love you with all my heart. I also want to tell you again how much I know with all my heart that this church is the true church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I know that I am a daughter of God with divine worth, just like you. I know that you are doing the right thing by serving a mission, serving God, and serving all God's children. You radiate the spirit of God by just smiling and being you. Remember your patriarchal blessing, always, as it is there to help guide you like a liahona. I hope you have your patriarchal blessing with you, if not I could try to find it and mail it to you.
Well, I better get back to work.
Love you lots and lots and lots.
your, Mom

November 25th, 2013
Thanksgiving is this week!!!! That's soo crazy, I'm so thankful that the Stevenson's, some of the members, signed up to feed us on Thanksgiving :) It was super nice of them and it gives us a place to go! This last week started off with a relaxing preparation day, they have been pretty busy and crazy up until last Monday, we were able to finish everything and take a nap, which was much needed!! We have still been working with the Less Active, Recent Converts, and Part Member families...... But our mission president, President Hall, is having us focus on finding people and how we can increase our key indicators..... They want us to talk to a lot more people in a day then we have been, and whatever we are doing in the day that isn't contributing or helping our key indicators, we need to find something else to do that is more productive! It's not that we are doing bad, they just want us to do better! Sometimes we stay wayyy too long talking and not focusing on why we are there, but our mission president and our zone leaders have been giving us some great tips and advice on how we can improve :) I also had my first monthly interview with President Hall and that went good! I was the very last one to be interviewed for the day and so the room smelt like stinky elders,lol. I TAUGHT THE RESTORATION!!!!! WOO!! It was soo amazing, we met Josephine when we were going to visit Sister Alaniz, a single sister and Jo was there. Jo has only one daughter who is 21 and has one child.... they didn't have a place to live, so sister Alaniz took her in..... She really looks up to sister Alaniz because of the great example she is!! We invited her to a ward gratitude dinner and she went! And then we stopped by a few days later and taught her! You could tell she felt the spirit and I could feel it as I was speaking, especially when I taught the First Vision... which I now have memorized. I'm glad to hear Ethan is doing well, and yeah, I heard that France is hard, just because the people aren't interested....but I know that every mission has missionaries there for a reason!
Oh yeah! I forgot that Breanne was getting married! That's so exciting though! :) That's so fun that you and John had a Mom and Son date! I'm sure he loved going to Wingers, I mean it's food so why wouldn't he :P haha jk, I know that he will always look back on that as one on one time with mom! That will be weird to think that Dad will be soo close!!!! I actually get to go to the L.A. Temple in December! They do it twice a year :) I'm still sooo excited for Sharon!!! Let her know that I love her and I'm proud of her :) Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, but let us strive to be thankful all the time! Not just on Thanksgiving Day! :) I love you sooo much and I'm thankful to have been raised in the church and to have a mom that is soo strong in the gospel and has an unshakeable testimony, it has always been something that I look up to!!
Sister Sarah Louise

November 25th, 2013
Here are some pictures: a couple selfies that I took,lol. I really liked the lighting behind me, so I thought I would send them to you :) and the other two are Sister Hoffmann and I taking a picture of us eating a brownie we got at Black Angus, it was more of a country restaurant and played country music in the background, it was super hard not to listen to the music, because there were some good songs that I like playing! :P The Fitzpatricks took us and they are a part member family, Don is the member and Ginny is the non member, I love them both sooo much!! Ginny is soo sweet and giving and they both love each other a lot!!! It's sweet to see :) We are still working on her, but I feel like she is slowly getting there!!

Here are some more silly pics that we took with the delicious brownie from Black Angus!! :p

November 18th, 2013

Week 5 out here in the Great San Fernando Mission!!! :) I started off the week with exchanges on Tuesday and Wednesday, I wasn't sure what to expect really.... I thought it was weird that I would be sleeping somewhere else for the night, so I was a little nervous about it all. Valencia is sort of like Fruitland, it's a nice family oriented place, just a lot more houses everywhere!! Lol, To give you an Idea about the place that I was going to on exchanges... it's more like Downtown Boise, except this is California and there are people and buildings EVERYWHERE!! So it was pretty much super different compared to any place I've ever been, you see a lot of homeless people on the streets, and different looking people, but there are also so many nice people that we met as well. I was a little nervous about it, but I ended up loving exchanges!! We did exchanges with Sister Walgrin and Sister Godfrey, I was going to be with Sister Walgrin in the valley they call it, but it's the city. We went to work right from the start, and I loved that! She had potential investigators that we were going to visit with, and the first two ended up not being home, but because we were walking from place to place, we ran into soo many people! I was a bit hesitant and shy about going up to some random person and telling them that Heavenly Father knows and loves them, and give them a handout...but once I just got out of my comfort zone and just did it, it was the best feeling ever!! Even if the person we approached was not interested at all, we would still smile and kind of just...move on to the next, lol. Not everyone is ready, and that's just fine, maybe some day they will be! We talked to a homeless couple, who were different, but super nice and told us to be safe and not be out at night, haha. Which it gets dark at like 6, and we can't go home yet at that time, so we said we would be safe! lol, Right after talking with them we kept walking and walked across the street and passed these two black guys, in there 20's, and both of us had a feeling to stop and talk to them, but we kept on walking and when they were on the other side, they called us out!! They were like "Hey!! Are you two mormon missionaries??" One of them used to date an lds girl, and recognized the name tags, and said to his friend that he thought that we were and the friend didn't know anything about missionaries, so he called out for us to see if his friend was right.... I was basically in a state of shock that these two came to us, even after we ignored the spirit... I got my thoughts together and asked the one who didn't know who Mormons were, Jon, what he knew about God and Jesus Christ? He told me he prayed, and he thought Jesus Christ was Awesome,lol. But he never really went to church, I bore my testimony that Heavenly Father listens to his prayers and knows and loves him, and that Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for all of us so that we could return to live with our Heavenly Father again.... I didn't really say a whole lot, but he said that he knew what I was saying was true and so I asked if he would want to take the discussions and learn more about our church and he said YES!!!! He then! Gave us his phone number and email and said that he would go to the nearest church in that area, I had to ask Sister Walgrin where that was, because I hadn't even been in this area for a whole day,lol. I can't even put into words my feelings after this experience, it was so amazing!!! I was truly grateful for them and that there are people who are ready for the gospel and they are just waiting for someone to tell them about it.... Now, I know that I won't have every investigator come to us and call me out, but it's definitely a great feeling when they do. I had a good rest of the week, I was sick for most of it, so it was hard some days, but I got some medicine that helped me push through the days and sleep good at night. The next transfer meeting is coming up, it's every 6 weeks and I have been here 5, and I feel like our work in the Valencia area is not done, so I'm hoping that I don't get transferred...But you never know! I love you all, and never be afraid to let someone know that they have a Heavenly Father that loves them, that just may be what they needed to hear that day!


Sister Moore

November 11th, 2013
I really can't believe it has almost been a month already!! The days are long, but the weeks fly by!! I'm so grateful to be here on a mission and I have no time to waste! Not to say I never have fun, the work would be a lot harder if you didn't have any fun, it helps me not to get too stressed or overwhelmed by long days or hard weeks..... We've played soccer, ultimate Frisbee, went hiking, etc. Sister Hoffmann has some great cd's that we listen to in the car (the car is brand new, by the way, it's a 2014 Chevy only had 46 miles on it when we got it, so crazy!) on the way to each house that we make up signs to each of the words so that we can memorize the words better,lol. I love the pictures!!!! They are soo cute, and they all just keep on getting so big! I can't believe! I see Uncle Weston is growing out some facial hair..... he looks like a mountain man,lol. It looks like you had a great Halloween! I hope all is going well in school and life! What are your plans for Thanksgiving?? Thanksgiving is a great time to truly be grateful for all of our blessings, we just had dinner with Bishop Morris's family and they invited some of there friends, who aren't members, over for dinner..... they told us before hand that the dad just lost his job and they just recently moved and they have been a having a hard time..... we were able to show them a Mormon message video called good things to come as well as a scripture in Alma 38:5..."And now my son, Shiblon (Schulthies family), would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day" even though this family aren't members of the church you could tell that they could feel the spirit..... How great is this gospel??! We because of baptism and worthiness, have the Gift of the Holy Ghost every day, we can sometimes get used to it in our daily lives, and not recognize it.....but other people do, they see the happiness and feel of our spirit, You don't have to be on a mission to be a missionary, you are all already being missionaries because of the light of Christ that you have and the examples that you are, you don't have to teach a lesson or preach the gospel, just serve each other. The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families, we have so much to be grateful for! Love you all!! Let me know how you are all doing!

November 11th,2013 Okay it only let's me send like 4 pictures at a time, so you probably got a lot of emails,lol..... The top pics are from my last days at the MTC, we took pictures as a district with our teachers Brother Jensen and Brother Leah, The elders in our district from left to right are Elder Hortin, Elder Smoot, and Elder Bartholomew, and Sister Allmendinger/ Sister Wensel.....and then we took some pictures at the train station, pretty early in the morning, and on the train as well..... I took a picture of the Bob Hope Airport when we arrived but I totally spaced taking pictures at the Delta Airport in Salt lake. I took a couple more pictures with my first companion, Sister Allmendinger, at the airport before we split up. Then I took a whole bunch of pictures of my first apartment for you,lol. They should give you a pretty good Idea about what it looks like :P Our Zone Leaders, Elder Chandler (first pic) and Elder Larmin (second pic) brought us that HUGE Rice Krispies Treat and so we had fun taking pictures with that...  Sister Hoffmann's hair is long and naturally blonde as you can see! The last group of pictures are from a hike we went on as a zone, today actually!! It was super fun! It was like a 3 mile hike and the view at the end was super pretty! :) and I even saw a horse!!! lol, it made me think of home, so I took a picture!

Final Days at the MTC

At the train station and then on the train.

 Our arrival at the Bob Hope Airport.

 My new apartment I am staying in.

Our Zone leaders,Elder Chandler and Elder Larmin, brought us the huge Rice Krispie's Treat.


 Zone day and our 3 mile hike.





Finally, I took the picture of the horse because it reminded me of home.

November 5th, 2013
Sister Hoffman and I have finished figuring everything out and we love the ward soo much. Everyone is so kind, we have not had to go without dinner once and we have even had breakfast and lunch a couple of times! We decided we wanted to start doing FHE's with both active and less active members, and that has definitely been a blessing. Just even going down the ward list, especially in this ward, you would be surprised to find out how some of the information that is on the the ward member list is out of date. Some have moved, don't go to church anymore, and one of them was going to a different church even. With the less active members, we usually just talk and get to know them and fit in a short thought and ask if we can speak with them again..... with the members, we thought it was important to talk to them about missionary work, but to really express to them that they are already being missionaries by the small and simple things that they do, which is being members of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have the light of Christ, and by being happy and striving to serve others, they are unknowingly being missionaries already. The same goes for all members every where...... In 3 Nephi 27:27 "......Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily, I say unto you, even as I am." We are told to to be like Christ and follow Christ's example, Did not Christ serve others? Then, we should serve others.... You don't have to go out and give a Book of Mormon or teach a lesson to be a missionary...... just serve each other. I know this gospel is true with all my heart, I have a testimony of the Restoration and Joseph Smith; and,  especially the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ,  and I am continuously being converted everyday, and will continue to throughout my mission and life. I'm thankful to everybody who supported and helped me to even be on a mission. I love you all!!

                                                               Sister Sarah Moore

November 1st, 2013
Right after I emailed you, two girls walked into the Family History room at church (that is where we go to email in this area) and they seemed a little timid at first, but they went ahead and asked if they could know more about the church. There were four sister missionaries in the room at the time and we all just kind of looked at each other like"is this for real?" and we started talking with them and getting to know them. We asked if they wanted a tour of the church and they said Yes! All of their questions were good and when we stopped by a picture of Joseph Smith kneeling in the grove, you could just tell that they were feeling the spirit and I got to testify and ask them questions. We all rotated between the four of us missionaries, lol. They were both just going around looking at all the churches and finding out more about all of them. These two girls were basically "Joseph Smith" and wanting to know which church is true... We committed them to read and pray and they said they definitely would. I just know that they will receive an answer! They weren't in our area, but I was grateful for the experience and I know that was definitely a miracle. The Lord has prepared many "Joseph Smiths" and now I have the opportunity to find them.
                                                                                     Love, Sister Moore
P.S. Fun Facts:
Kirby Heyborne
-Starred in "The Best Two Years", "PM", "Sons of Provo " and "Best Buy". He has also done commercials, etc.  He happens to be in my ward and we are scheduled to have dinner with him and his family. His wife is the Relief Society President and we've talked to her a lot. She is super nice.

-Bro. Johnson composed the theme song to the show "The Amazing Race" and he's composed other music as well.

-Bro. Rast is a big time FOX executive.

I just kind of thought this was cool

October 31, 2013
Here is a picture of your darling missionaries. We loved having them over for dinner tonight.
Brother Jeff Sanders

October 26, 2013
Tonight we had a delightful time with your daughter and her companion.  We went pumpkin caroling to some of the people  we visit teach or home teach and to some of our neighbors.  We really enjoyed spending the time with these wonderful sisters.  I wanted to share the pictures we took this evening.  Thanks for sharing your daughter with us here in California. 
 She is a sweet heart and we already love her.

Sister Kymmer Crookston

Oct. 21, 2013
We just received a letter from Sarah. Sarah stated, " I was pretty excited to go on an airplane for the very first time and then I got onto the ramp and got a lot more nervous all of a sudden. lol. I definitely liked taking off rather than landing. It was overall really cool to go on an airplane and be up so high that everything looks so small and different, and to be up in the clouds looking down felt like a little bit of heaven type of experience." Sarah goes on to say how she had fallen asleep on the plane but woke up just as they were entering California. "...and Dad, you were right, L.A. goes on forever, not upwards but but outwards! It was seriously house upon house!
Right after we landed, President and Sister Hall were there to greet us! Oh!! and it was instantly hot in California, as opposed to Provo that is... the name of the airport we landed at in California was the Bob Hope Airport. (I thought this was pretty cool) We had to wait at the airport for a little while because we were early and our ride wasn't there yet...We went from Burbanks to the nearest Stake Center in North Hollywood. We ate lunch and got split into two groups (there were 24 missionaries total), One group would stay and get interviewed and do paperwork, the other group would go out proselyting. I was in the first group to go out and proselyte.
 My companion's name for this short period of time was Sister Naylor and she was so awesome! We went with two other sisters and when we got in the car I was asked to say the prayer and invite the spirit to tell us where to drive... At first in my head I was like, wait, we don't know where we are going! But, I quickly realized that this was nothing to worry about and to just sincerely pray. So I did, and we started driving with no idea of where we were going and the sister training leaders were like where are we going? and the other sister and I just gave directions by the spirit and we stopped in a suburb area and the very first house we went to, I felt like we should go to and  we walked up and the door opened and we talked to a lady who didn't know about God and Jesus Christ. So, we shared a short message, set up an appointment and said a prayer. It was seriously a miracle and the Holy Ghost that led us to that house. Anyways, this was my first day. I love you, and I'm running out of room.
Sister Sarah Moore

October 23, 2013
We just wanted to write and let you know that your daughter is well and now serving in the Valencia 1st ward with Sister Hoffmann who has been out for 6 months. They are the first sisters in this ward that we can remember and with this change our ward goes from 2 to 4 missionaries as we have a set of Elders too. We had them for dinner tonight and she was happy and told us about your great family. They brought such a sweet spirit to our home. We are also ward missionaries and in charge of the missionary dinner calendars so we will make sure they are well and fed and hopefully busy teaching soon. We have twin girls on missions right now in Tempe and Houston so we will take care of these 2 great sisters the way we hope our girls are being cared for.

Her address so that the letters and packages can start coming is:
23837 Arroyo Park Dr. #1013
Valencia, Ca 91366

Take care.
Jon and Kim Spendlove

Oct. 11th, 2013
Hey!!! :) Just thought I would check in and say Hello! I'm alive and very well, the MTC is amazing and the spirit that all of the missionaries bring is so strong! You should be getting a letter in the mail about my experience here in the MTC and more details, I just wanted to see if this email was going to work, and I talked to the Branch President Stice and he said that you should give the money to Bishop White and if you want to put money on my account you can, but if you want it to count for the $400 a month then you should just give to the  bishop, if aunt Susan and uncle Chris and everyone else wants to contribute he said to give them bishops address or a tithing slip for tax reasons, that I can't completely Make sure to tell everyone I love them, I pray for you all and I know the lord will take care of you and provide a way in all things. I am working hard and not wasting any of this time to learn and prepare myself for my mission. Thank you for your great example! Love you!

                                                                 Sister Sarah Moore

Bishop's address is:

Bishop Bernt White
4973 Eagle View Ct
Fruitland, Idaho 83619

My sweet Sister Sarah Moore and her new companion from the MTC are pointing to the San Fernando, California Mission they will both be going to on Oct. 21st. 2013.

Pictures of Sarah's apartment she was staying in before going to San Fernando, California. If I remember right, Sarah said that they had to room off the MTC because of how many missionaries they are getting.

 Sarah's going to have to tell us about these 4 pictures in the middle, taken while she was at the MTC.

Oct. 9, 2013
Dropped Sarah off at the MTC  

When Dad, Shelly, and Grandma dropped Sarah off at the MTC, Sarah said that there were a total of 700 missionaries being dropped off that same day.

If you would like to help us with Sarah's mission, please send donations to our ward Bishop with a note that it is for Sister Sarah Louise Moore.Bishop's address is:
Bishop Bernt White
4973 Eagle View Ct.
Fruitland, Idaho 83619
Thank you so much for helping us out.
May the Lord bless you for your generosity, love, and support.

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