Monday, March 23, 2015

The Cook Pro 2.5 Quart Double Boiler that exploded on me and my Moore Favorite Facial Healing Salve I made that healed my face.

On February 3rd 2015, I was badly burned on my face and stomach from a freak accident with a Cook Pro 2.5 quart double boiler I had bought from Walmart online back in January of 2015.

 The force of the explosion was so great that it knocked me to my knees on the hard tile floor and  even bent the burner on the stove from when the pans separated. The top pan with the barely melted soap in it, went for my face causing a sunburn chemical burn, I think.

 When my face started to look like this in the healing process, I thought for sure I was going to be scarred.
 However, I was not so lucky with the obvious 3rd degree burns I had acquired from the explosion.

This is how nasty my bandages looked every time I had to change them after the explosion.

 I will say this much, my face healed better and faster than I expected with a special healing salve that I had been using as my daily facial cream. After I had burned my face, I had tried the ointment the doctor gave me and that didn't seem to help, let alone keep it moisturized. I tried aloe vera gel and it made it burn and sting more. Then I got to thinking about my facial salve I had been using and it dawned on me that the coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and apricot kernal oils in it were all anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, and very healing. In addition, I had added some infused calendula and rose hips. Then, I added some additional orange essential oil, pure vegetable glycerin, jojoba oil, and vitamin E. I'm telling you this stuff is my "MOORE" favorite facial healing salve, especially after burning my face.

Now because my stomach was full of third degree burns, I was a bit more hesitant to use my salve on it, due to mixed reviews about applying oils, including essential, to open third degree burns. However, when the burn cream the doctor gave me didn't see to be cutting it, I became desperate. So, I created a different healing salve for my stomach, but I specifically added honey and lavender essential oil to help heal the burns on my stomach. I read that vets would put honey on open wounds to help heal them because of it's wonderful anti bacterial healing properties. Plus, I heard that lavender essential oil helps heal burns and can help numb the pain. I was scared to use it at first, so I waited until the gooey looking stuff was no longer sticking to my bandages. When I first applied it, it stung a little and I panicked, wondering if I had made a bad decision. However, I immediately noticed that it helped take away the pain. I then experimented by applying half my salve and half of the doctor's. After a week or two, I started applying just my lavender salve. Unfortunately, I did end up with scars on my stomach more than I wanted. It is quite depressing. Overall, I am glad that my face didn't turn out with permanent damage like my stomach. Maybe I should have applied my facial salve to my stomach right away. I'll never know now if that would have made the difference. All I know is that as soon as my face started to dry in the healing process, it would start to crack, bleed, and get worse. So, that is when I just kept my face constantly moisturized with my healing salve. Since then, I've noticed that I haven't really had any acne or stress sore break outs like I used to. When I do feel a zit starting to form, I just apply extra salve on it at night, and it goes away by morning. And yes, I researched everything in my salve extensively because I wanted something great for my mature skin. Plus, I made sure that everything I put in would not clog my pours. And yes, believe it or not, all the ingredients, including the beeswax, will not clog the pours.

Soon I am going to be selling my special "MOORE" favorite facial healing salve. So far, I have had some of my daughters use it and they absolutely love it too. My fifteen year old daughter Sabrina had some sores on her face and it helped heal it up fast and it is keeping her teenage skin healthy. She said that she tried to quit using my salve and that her face got worse. So, she immediately started using it again and her face got better. My twenty-one year old daughter Sarah loves to use it every night and swears by it too. I know that I definitely do, especially after how it healed my burned face so fast.

Boy, I still need to show what the cheaply made double boiler looks like and what my face and stomach currently look like. Stay tuned for more, depending on how I feel, of course.
Below is what the Cook Pro 2.5 quart malfunctioned double boiler looks like. 

I'll post a current photo of me soon. I just won't post the burn scars that are near and on my right breast, as that is too personal and "Moore" embarrassing. My lawyer has them and Walmart and Cook Pro will soon see them, if they haven't already. All I can say is that was one real nightmare. I should post the actual story of that dreadful night later. All I can say is this: how can one ever put a price on a permanent scar that my husband and I will have to look at for the rest of my life? The scars left on my stomach and under and on my right breast. I might not be a bikini model, but I am a woman who tries to take pride in how her body looks. Overall, I am grateful that my face didn't turn out like my stomach, thanks to my "MOORE" favorite healing salve. I just am not grateful for my permanently scarred stomach. Just saying...

Kay Moore gets attacked by Grizzly Bear at a Museum

What a great sport to pose like this for a picture at the Museum for bow hunters. It's the Pope and Young museum, which is a famous record breaking museum for record breaking bow kills. Kay just got a certificate for breaking a record for the bear he just killed with his bow this last fall. Just check out one of my earlier posts to see for yourself.